Recent content by dcampbez

  1. D

    FLGS in Austin, Texas

    Yeah, never mind. Found It... And going back again tomorrow. Amazing.
  2. D

    FLGS in Austin, Texas

    Rudy's? Tell me more....
  3. D

    FLGS in Austin, Texas

    Dragons Lair it is; thanks for the tip!
  4. D

    FLGS in Austin, Texas

    Hey there: Headed to Austin in two weeks for a conference, and have a little free time in my calendar. I always try to check out local shops when I travel; does anyone have a local FLGS in the area that is a can't miss? Thanks!
  5. D

    Black Friday RPG Sales!

    Fantasy Flight Games has their annual sale; board games, minis, and a ton of WFRP and 40kRPG stuff: Frog God Games has a Holiday Grab Bag box: So does Goodman Games...
  6. D

    California game shops

    Endgame is beginning to sound like a clear winner, thanks!
  7. D

    California game shops

    So; in a week, I will be in California for a driving trip... My wife and two kids will be in Crescent City and taking a week to drive down the coast to LA for a second week in a beach house with more family. Along with all the other sight-seeing, are there any must-not-miss hobby shops along...
  8. D

    Awesome Ptolus Vinyl Map - HUGE

    One copy left.. and it was a decent sized shop with TONS of gaming stuff... big Pathfinder, tons of out of print stuff, minis and Games Workshop. I gushed at the counter about finding it, made it clear how long I'd looked. Didn't seem to be a big deal; and it's hanging in the basement now...:)
  9. D

    Awesome Ptolus Vinyl Map - HUGE

    I'm 555/1000 myself... I'd always regretted not grabbing a vinyl map back when they were released... but around two months ago I was out of town on business, wandered into a Gaming shop I found on GPS, and found one (the smaller one) in it's original box with a $55 sticker on it. Best business...
  10. D

    We have 99 Heroes of Neverwinter beta keys to give away

    Beta key for me please return to Facebook again i must oh, well, what the hell.
  11. D

    Lets see your GAME ROOM.

    Some leaking water destroyed a few bookscases; and the current table was feeling a little cramped. Space was limited on the bookcases as well; so a remodel was in order. New bookcases; new rug, new Gaming Table of Awesome +5. The surface areas are done in whiteboard paint; so you can jot notes...
  12. D

    An invitation only game sales site... and I have invitations

    I'd like an invitation please? Thanks!
  13. D

    Lets see your GAME ROOM.

    The Disco Ball was a gag gift a few years back. I refuse to take it down....:)