• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Force6262

  1. F

    Greatest Swordsman Or King of the North

    So we are doing a game with mythic characters, and I cant decide if I should play a guy who tries to become the worlds greatest swordsman by fighting a long list of the inner seas top fighters, or become the king of all the north by uniting the three northern countries. What are your thoughts?
  2. F

    List Some Interesting Ideas for Super Weapons

    I just wanted to see the ideas for some interesting super weapons. Now when i say interesting weapons i dont mean the flaming sword or a guy who fights using a yo-yo I mean the sorts of weapons that a whole D&D campaign could be based around. Ex: The absolute control over dragons A ship that...
  3. F

    Rise of the Runelords

    I never played this campaign setting, but I am curious about it. So what are your thoughts on it, is it good, bad or somewhere in between?
  4. F

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder vs. Greyhawk campaign settings

    Just curious about which people like more and why.
  5. F

    Male Monsters

    As I am sure many of you know there a few monsters that are souly female such as medusa, harpy, lamia and others. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any monsters that are souly male?