Recent content by ForgedAnvil

  1. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Fixed issue with level, defaulted to a list that shows 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19. The identify spell should be there, at least in the latest build I have ;)
  2. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Fixed in the next 2.28 beta release, thanks for reporting
  3. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Thanks, fixed in next beta version
  4. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Fixed in the next beta version of 2.28, thanks!
  5. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Check for Excel updates, not sure where it is in Excel 2007, for Excel 2010 and over it is under File > Account > Office Upates > Update Now. If that doesn't work try to repair office under Settings > Apps > Apps and features then select Mjcrosoft Office and choose Modify. Online Repair is the...
  6. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Naming shouldn't affect the images in the file. First thing is to check for Excel updates. For Windows its under File > Account > Office Upates > Update Now. You can try a new download and import your character to test if the images stay fixed
  7. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Found the issue and it is resolved in the next beta version, thanks !
  8. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    What version of Windows and Excel are you using? Ensure you check uodates for both OS and Excel. You may also want to try 2.28 beta in the downloads section and test the same.
  9. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Check the filters are cleared, you will find two small red comments above the Cantrips CAST and RANGE headers - the two filters should be cleared to see tbe 3 pages
  10. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Yes, only 2 macros one for resetting all sheets and one for only the custom sheet. It should work with Excel Mobile for all platforms.
  11. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Change / Clear Arcana from the Start sheet under Expertise
  12. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Thanks for feedback, fixed in next beta version
  13. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Thanks, yes there was a copy and paste error. fixed in the next version
  14. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    I've had a look into this and made some adjustments, if a warlock is level 11 or higher then Mystic Arcanum shows in blue and the warlock Mystic Arcanum spells will show in the spell slot boxes. Noting that a level 9th spellcaster only has a max of 5th level spells e.g. Wizard, so they shouldn't...
  15. ForgedAnvil

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    All character sheets can be unprotected and edited as you like (no password). Design your own sheet how you like, you can view all variables used by going to Formulas > Show Formulas in the Excel menus.