• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by halberd10

  1. H

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    Spoiler alert: it's worth it
  2. H

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    So a company that doesn't sell products at the lowest possible cost all the time is scummy? You must not buy a lot of stuff.
  3. H

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    Comparing fantasy grounds mods to PDFs is really apples and oranges. The FG mods have to be coded in, encounters pre-placed and set up, maps imported, etc. someone has to be paid to do all that stuff. It's a lot of work, and the result is that prep time is drastic reduced when running them, so...
  4. H

    Fantasy Grounds Drops Prices For Electronic D&D Books

    This is great news for fantasy grounds users. It also makes the bundle deal with its additional 25% off D&D stuff that much more attractive. The timing of this does seem to be at least somewhat related to the launch of D&D beyond and their pricing scheme, which is very similar. I am also...
  5. H

    Release Primeval Thule 5e for Fantasy Grounds released

    Just picked this up on fantasy grounds yesterday. Haven't liked through the whole thing yet, but so far it looks amazing. I can't wait to run a game or 2. For anyone wondering, it's an excellent value. 20 bucks for the whole setting as well as 3 adventures that look to be 4-8 hours each.
  6. H

    Do You Want 400 New Magic Items For Your D&D 5E Game?

    This seems like an awesome campaign. As I do most of my playing on Fantasy Grounds, would you or have you considered allowing this product to be converted into Fantasy Grounds and then sold there as well? Having the item in fantasy grounds format would allow my players to drag and drop then into...
  7. H

    [EN5ider #69] The Holdenshire Chronicles (Act 2): Journey to Skull Mountain

    Have you considered allowing these to be converted into fantasy grounds format? It might increase the exposure of the adventures, and bring in some more cash.
  8. H

    DDEX3-10 Quelling the Horde *Spoilers*

    Agh, thanks pukuni! I guess I missed the wand on my read through. The fungus is a bit of a letdown though.
  9. H

    DDEX3-10 Quelling the Horde *Spoilers*

    I have a couple of questions about this mod for those who have run it. The treasure section lists a magic wand as the permanent item, but I don't see where it is in the adventure. Also, the adventure synopsis mentions the players running into dangerous fungus patches, but I don't see those...
  10. H

    EN World EN5ider Has Launched!

    If you took the art out of an article, and stripped it down to only text, you should then be able to email it to amazon, and they will convert it to kindle format for you for free. I know that it wouldn't provide a perfect conversion, but if they provided patrons with a seperate file, containing...
  11. H

    EN World EN5ider Has Launched!

    So am I understanding correctly that these new articles are not available for download until April 1?
  12. H

    EN World EN5ider Has Launched!

    I would absolutely value kindle-friendly articles! So much so, in fact, that I would be willing to up my pledge by a dollar or 2 to get them.
  13. H

    Nature's Remedy: 5E Herbalism

    That makes sense, otherwise, you could pledge at the first of the month, download all previous paid articles, and then cancel your pledge before getting charged.
  14. H

    EN World EN5ider Has Launched!

    I was in the process of pledging, and you beat me to the $100 mark! I thought the adventure looked like a lot of fun, and well written too. I hope this does well, it seems like just the thing I've been hoping for 5th edition to have.
  15. H

    D&D 5E Are DMs getting lazy?

    I quickly moved from playing to DM'ing, and honestly, the reason why was because it was the easiest way to get a group going. I'd rather be DMing than not playing at all. I've since grown to enjoy DMing as much as I enjoy playing, but it is a bit daunting at first, and I image that it is even...