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Recent content by LamilLerran

  1. L

    D&D 4E Updating Tomb of Horrors to 4e...and 4e seems to wussy.

    4e deliberately reduced the potential for killing players without them having a chance to react. With changes like more of a hitpoint buffer at level 1, the elimination of save-or-die effects, or the ever-increasing (decreasing?) negative bloodied value rather than -10 for death, WotC made it...
  2. L

    Best of the Best - Orb Wizard.

    If we're talking about heroic/paragon, then for a lot of it you can't perma-stun anything, and the +2 Wis just makes a 5 percentage point difference on saving throws that are in the hard-but-not-impossible category for both races. It really doesn't make much of a difference -- certainly not as...
  3. L

    Best of the Best - Orb Wizard.

    Part of the reason elves were considered good then was because you needed all the wisdom you could get. This was before AV, and so it was hard to get the save penalty up into perma-stun territory (and I *think* it was impossible to perma-stun solos back then). Elves were good because they gave...
  4. L

    Lvl 7 Sorcerer build advice

    You're only going to use Acid Orb over Chaos Bolt in one of four situations: 1) The target's Ref is so much lower than its Will that it's worth giving up a ~30% chance of hitting at least two targets (That percent assumes you hit on a 10 or higher). You also need to know that the target's Ref...
  5. L

    Best of the Best - Orb Wizard.

    You left out the only race that gets both a primary and secondary stat bump on the Taclord poll! I was hoping you would've learned from that mistake. Sorry, I'm just grumpy because I was really curious whether eladrin or genasi would win in the previous poll. More on-topic: Echoing other...
  6. L

    Immune to Fear

    To be absurdly abundantly clear, if it said "2d10 + 10 poison damage", then the creature would take no damage. If it said "2d10 damage and 10 poison damage" or "2d10 damage plus 10 poison damage", then the creature would 2d10 damage.
  7. L

    Best of the Best - Tactical Warlord.

    I came to this thread to see whether Eladrin or Genasi was winning, and I leave disappointed.
  8. L

    Treasure Troubles Resulting in Item Points

    Excellent idea! I've been having trouble putting together treasure for my players, but I thought it was a communication problem, not a mechanical problem. This works so much better. Suggestion: perhaps when characters spend an item point, the new item is up to 5 levels above them rather than...