• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Lanliss

  1. L

    Looking for a good system to use for my world

    One more question, as far as adding options in the future. I'm guessing that Fantasy AGE has a big focus on magic in the world, do the two work together easily, or would it take considerable modding to plug fantasy stuff into Modern AGE? I intend to have a fair bit of variety in spells that can...
  2. L

    Looking for a good system to use for my world

    I'm interested in this one. How hard do you think it would be to do a bit of modding to make fit my world? It seems like it is in a similar vein to D&D with the leveling system, while many characters won't so much level up as they will improve horizontally. This sounds pretty interesting. The...
  3. L

    Looking for a good system to use for my world

    So, I have been worldbuilding for a while on a world without a name, and would like to try and find a system that reflects it better than the one system I currently know (D&D 5E). I thought I'd come on over here and make my first post in forever to see what systems you all think would be able to...
  4. L

    When did you bait & switch and how did it go? (Spoilers)

    Not sure if it counts as a bait and switch, but when playing a 1-on-1 game with my girlfriend she went into a thick forest. We rolled for a few random encounters, one of which led her to a portal that went into the Fey Wild. She had no idea what it was, and went in. This was the beginning of a...
  5. L

    I'm making an rpg

    I haven't had a chance to look into it yet, but it is at the top of my list for other RPGs to look into for research. Which things specifically make you think of it?
  6. L

    I'm making an rpg

    I put a post explaining the current direction I'm working in, just above this one, that kind of fills in what I'm working with. The basic idea is that there will be stages of perks, from general being accessible by different classes, to class perks being for specific classes, but still having...
  7. L

    I'm making an rpg

    Here's a summary of the mechanics I will be focusing on as my foundation. Perks The classes will come in three varieties, with 2 subcategories in each. The main categories will be Magical, Martial, and Kinetic(working name, actual name tbd). Each class type will come in long and close range...
  8. L

    I'm making an rpg

    I don't know? I haven't done enough research to know. To clarify, I plan for my class system to be based on a perk point system. When you gain a level, you get X perk points, and can distribute them to level up certain abilities, unlocking new attacks, spells, abilities etc. This way, I will...
  9. L

    I'm making an rpg

    These are great tips, thanks very much. I only ever thought about a "pay what you want" site, I don't know where I'd begin to get actual physical books published... As for the game and world, I think it's a unique niche. Fantasy world that had an apocalypse, and isn't rebuilt yet. So there...
  10. L

    I'm making an rpg

    In my case it would be the latter then, I intend to use d20 as the primary form of resolution. I should say that, as I'm most familiar with D&D 5E, that is my starting/comparison point. I won't be rebuilding that entire system in my own way, I just expect that it's inspiration may be obvious in...
  11. L

    I'm making an rpg

    Warning, small wall of replies I intend for the game to be published, possibly only self published on a site but ideally in a way that could actually make a form of profit off my passion. I am currently starting from a d20 system, in that the d20 will be the primary form of resolving...
  12. L

    I'm making an rpg

    Hello everyone! I was on here a long while ago quite frequently, mostly lurking and sometimes posting ideas that not many people really liked. Since I started rpgs I have been most interested in what I can do with them, how far I can push the boundaries of what the current rules allow, and what...
  13. L

    D&D 5E Should Published Settings Limit Classes and Races Allowed?

    By default, yes. I think what isn't in a setting is just as important as what is. And just like people say to those who want to adjust settings for themselves, people can add back in their own things they want to play if it is that important.
  14. L

    D&D 5E A Collection of Minor House Rules

    Remembered another, Sorcerers can use Con for their casting stat, a permanent choice made at 1st level.
  15. L

    D&D 5E Point Buy vs Rolling for Stats

    I already allow this, but no one has taken it yet. My players prefer more average people.