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Recent content by Lombard

  1. L

    Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).

    Nah! He's too fantasy-heroic. I'd always thought of Ed as looking more normal and less like a Marvel Superhero.
  2. L

    Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).

    Tall, long-limbed - more rangy than heroic in build. He's 6'1" and weighs 190#. As of his mystical encounter with Rintrah, Eadric wears a beard - it varies between well groomed and straggly/unkempt, depending on how long he's been away from his mirror and a bathroom. His hair is shoulder length...
  3. L

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    Re: Reincarnation It's not so much a matter of Oronthon barring it, but more one of Tahl himself refusing it - partly due to the pagan element, partly due to the fact that no devout soul wants to be ripped from ecstasy and communion with its god, and returned to a very troubled world. Let's...
  4. L

    The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

    Sepulchrave is kind of tied up (he just moved house), so he asked me to drop by and offer my humble services. :D Raise Dead or Resurrection is generally a big no-no in Oronthonianism. Necromantic act. I think it's happened historically, but under exceptional circumstances. I don't know if...
  5. L

    Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).

    I can answer that - the multiclassing penalty was rule zeroed from the outset of the game. I remember Sepulchrave describing it as 'bunkum.' I'm generally in accordance - as a player in the game, I can state that Ortwin is manifestly the least effective member of the party, despite the fact that...
  6. L

    Lady Despina's Virtue - Continued

    Sepulchrave asked me to post something - he's kind of tied up because his Mom is visiting from England. I didn't know what to write, so I thought I'd share some background info. The Church of Oronthon This is designed as a background note to Sepulchrave’s “Lady Despina’s Virtue” thread in...
  7. L

    I've Been Chosen by God: Advice Sought

    hmmm need to work on the message codes a bit
  8. L

    I've Been Chosen by God: Advice Sought

    i am new to these boards, although I've been playing for over 20 years. i'm already an EN world addict. spoilers follow for the story hour thread "lady despina's virtue." sorry sepulchrave - i don't mean to "piss on your fire" as you would say, but there are some interesting people on these...
  9. L

    Lady Despina's Virtue - Continued

    all of that's mostly true. i sat in on the session, but basically said little - ed was behind bars. the dm delights in screwing with our brains like this. and the jack vance thing is totally true, sammael. both sepulchrave and dan/mostin are vance fans - dan is actually far worse. i'm not sure...
  10. L

    Lady Despina's Virtue - Continued

    hi all hi jim or 'sep' should i say? dan told me about this forum. just to let you know i'll be keeping my beady eye on it to make sure everything is accurate: looks good so far, although your style is a bit florid at times. what's a 'rat bastard?' should i be scared? marc (eadric)