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Recent content by Meds

  1. M

    IMPORTANT! Is your new Community Supporter Account not working?

    I'm missing a Search button too: Transaction: 0U225093R53568925 $39.98 USD Nov 23 '07 Thanks.
  2. M

    Any Videos of a Good D&D Session?

    Here's a fun video of Nick Logue (of WotC/Dungeon/Pathfinder/Gamemastery fame) DMing at noisy Gencon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9MWwPi3py4
  3. M

    What's your DMing Rule 0?

    Here's one I bookmarked a few years ago: http://www.enworld.org/showpost.php?p=1557857&postcount=710
  4. M

    Dungeon index?

    There are several indexes out there: http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=81883 http://intwischa.com/dungeon/ http://www.mythosa.net/Utils.html#DunIdx http://www.paladinpgm.com/wyrm http://www.geocities.com/respectablehobbit/index.html
  5. M

    Alternate Summon Monster Tables?

    Dragon #302 http://paizo.com/dragon/products/issues/2002/302
  6. M

    What are the "rules" of power attacking?

    The math to optimize power attack is relatively easy I think with a few simplifying assumptions (like ignoring criticals). I don't know of anyone who'd do it this way over the table as it seems pretty unrealistic, plus you'd need to make a fair guess at the AC of monster you're hitting. But...
  7. M

    What is the best issue of Dungeon in recent memory?

    Agreed. #133 was the one that sprang to mind.
  8. M

    Amazon "Share the Love" is that still going on?

    I believe Amazon killed the program a year or so ago. It was great while it lasted.
  9. M

    New "What sort of RPG player are you?" poll (this one by Charles Ryan)

    ;) Storyteller 75% Character Player 70% Weekend Warrior 50% Casual Gamer 45% Power Gamer 30% Tactician 30% Specialist 15%
  10. M

    MonkeyGod Presents Adventures: Good?

    I was very happy with "All The King's Men", even at full price ($12). It's a tightly scripted mystery. Great plotline, charcterful characters, Shakespearean flavor. (Nicholas Logue's adventure in this month's Dungeon -- 'Swords of Dragonslake' I think? -- reminded me a lot of this one.) Perhaps...
  11. M

    DUNGEON Magazine Monster Index!

    A few possibly missing here: #138: p.80 Majalor. Another of the Mud Sorcerer's elite guardians, he is a "Unique Undead" according to the stat block. #134: p.32 Rope of Climbing and Entanglement. (It's an intelligent magic item, but it's given a full monster stat block.) #130: p.45 Soap Swarm...
  12. M

    Chemical Formula of a Healing Potion?

    That's either one of the world's most addictive substances or the MKULTRA truth serum. Are you sure you bought this at an LG temple?
  13. M

    Where are all the male ducks?

    The Guy Ducks are Camouflaged You have an observant 3-year-old! From around June until about September, male Mallards look very similar to females -- they're in what's called eclipse plumage. They moult their feathers and get much drabber -- better camouflage until their flight feathers have...
  14. M

    How do "odds" work in betting?

    I also agree with Merric. And so does Wikipedia: "The bettor always receives his original stake back, so if the odds are 4/1 you would actually receive a total of £500 in return upon winning a £100 bet (£400 plus the original £100.)"