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Recent content by Nero Kingsley

  1. N

    This DM takes requests!

    My vote is for Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. :cool:
  2. N

    Weird War II: Dogs of War (Prelude)

    Sergeant Dan Brock felt the flak burst tear the tail off the plane. The B-24 Liberator dipped heavy to the right. Jurgenson, the co-pilot, screamed. "Cap's dead! Jesus! Cap's dead!" Brock locked the waist gun in place and waited for orders. Would they have to bail? Jurgenson stepped down the...
  3. N

    Special Delivery OOC Thread

    Didn't realize you called red. Switching to gray!
  4. N

    Special Delivery RG Thread

    Flintlock, Warforged Fighter. http://www.lilbrownboy.com/3eprofiler/view.php?id=1342 Sorry about the delay. :heh:
  5. N

    Special Delivery IC thread

    Upon entering the gnome's small quarters, Flintlock was forced to enter in a half-squat-like position to avoid bumping his head on the low ceiling - which made his heavy legs thud all the louder and heavier as he walked in an awkward position. He considers taking a seat before deciding against...
  6. N

    The Speaker in Dreams (IC)

    New order of initiative (new combatants): 1. Guards 2. Wererats 3. Wererat Leader 4. Dire Rats 5. Noraa 6. Fionna 7. Ivellios 8. Broderick As the guards make their way past the crowd into the clearing that has formed around the party and the wererats, the wererats suddenly change tactics. Their...
  7. N

    The Speaker in Dreams (OOC)

    It's really not that big of a deal to me if you guys really want to go on Standing Stone, but I have plenty of material for you guys to cover. Skipping the adventure more than half the party has been on won't really put a dint in the campaign.
  8. N

    Forgotten Heroes IC

    Dunestrider looks at each of his hazily remembered companions to see what they think of the man's request. "Earning the friendship of a town could result in someone hearing about us that knows us, for better or for worse. Perhaps we should help - I believe it's within our power and would be for...
  9. N

    The Speaker in Dreams (OOC)

    Grrr, you guys are ALL going on the Standing Stone (except for Fenris) :mad: ! Not too worry - I think we're going to skip that one and jump to level 10 for the next adventure. We'll see when we get there.
  10. N

    The Speaker in Dreams (IC)

    Order of Initiative: 1. Wererats 2. Wererat Leader 3. Dire Rats 4. Noraa 5. Fionna 6. Ivellios 7. Broderick 8. Guard The wererats react quickly and charge in to engage Broderick, the now several feet taller dwarf. Broderick's armor turns one of their blades aside, but the second wererat aims...
  11. N

    The Speaker in Dreams (OOC)

    All I can say is I totally dig the idea. :D
  12. N

    Recruiting for Eberron - Man on the Run (1 spot), alts always welcome

    Here's Flint, the 'forged fighter. I can put it in sblock format if you'd like, I just used this for the sake of getting it done quickly. http://www.lilbrownboy.com/3eprofiler/view.php?id=1342
  13. N

    The Speaker in Dreams (OOC)

    A note on posting frequency. If you post at least once every two days, I'll be happy. Obviously, we're moving along faster than that, which is a good thing. But I know that life has that ability to sneak up and cause problems which can (and probably will for many of us) get in the way of posting...
  14. N

    The Speaker in Dreams (IC)

    The wererats instantly take notice of Broderick's taunt and turn to face him - save for the largest, who is quite occupied by a guard and a floating sword, and takes a nasty blow to the shoulder from the blade of holy energy. One of the wererats lets loose a loud hiss, bearing it's long...
  15. N

    The Speaker in Dreams (IC)

    A sword of holy energy appears between the hulking wererat and the wounded guard, slashing at the wererat forcing it to parry its blows. Noraa unties and removes the leather bag from her quiver of arrows, though she is unable to get a clear shot without risking hitting innocent bystanders...