• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Pain Noodle

  1. P


    The letter D
  2. P

    Please help me find a new gaming system!

    Try Risus. I believe they have a free download somewhere.
  3. P

    Debating Systems For Dramatic Werecreatures Game...

    I would have to agree. The Aspects side of character creation for DFRPG is just ... freakin' fantastic. That alone would probably swing my vote for Fate.
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    Debating Systems For Dramatic Werecreatures Game...

    I see no reason why WoD couldn't handle this. As for the DFRPG, you'd just be changing allowances of abilities and, possibly, the descriptive flavor of what their were-forms look like. As in Crinos form from WoD or just Dire critters of their chosen species. Personally, I prefer the Crinos...
  5. P

    Anyone got any good ideas for a Song of Ice and Fire Campaign?

    Back when I first purchased the book I had this same problem. Actually, to be more accurate, I'm still having this problem... Absolutely love the system, have used it for homebrew but as for actual SoIaF story ... no. I, too, would be interested in hearing any ideas.
  6. P

    Am I mean?

    Okay, for starters, Oryan77 had me in freakin' tears! God that's funny... Secondly, I love the idea. But that's me. I don't know what your overall story is going to be but that's a pretty great and memorable start.
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    Servants of the Fey Queen of Nightmares

    You could have the players write down the characters' deepest fears and then throw those at them. Images of dead loved one, destitution, loss of power; magical or otherwise.
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    The Abraham Lincoln Show

    Sharing a humorous podcast that I hope at least somebody out there will enjoy other than me. Pilot episode and a Q&A episode can be found along with a sneak peek at episode two. The Abraham Lincoln Show
  9. P

    What are you playing that is NOT D&D?

    Currently playing a Planeswalker/Multiverse game with Risus, Deadlands, The Business (homemade), Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (homemade system), Cyberpunk 2020, Vampire: The Masquerade, Mage: The Ascension and a homebrewed setting using A Song of Ice and Fire rules. Would like to play some...
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    Are Hit Points necessary?

    I prefer the wound box method a la WoD or Cyberpunk. Deadlands had a decent system as well. Hit points annoy me. If my character has one hit point remaining it drives me crazy that he isn't operating at penalties. Also, hit locations aren't a must but are highly appreciated when available...
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    Something Nice for the TMP

    I don't mean this as an insult or anything but what exactly do the Magi do? I'm certain it's simply a matter of the hours I am able to log on but I very, very rarely see any Magi logged into the chats. Do your duties and responsibilities keep you out of the chats mostly? What keeps you spread...
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    Something Nice for the TMP

    I agree with this. Coffee houses, parks, streets, docks, industrial zone. Plenty of locations to play with. Potentially.
  13. P

    Possible CRT setting changes

    I have seen what you're talking about, Sanhael. Those rooms are just nightmares. I can't speak for the rooms you experienced but the ones I saw also had a much, much poorer class of folk using them. I don't know what their problems were but I have faith in the players I see here on ISRP. A...
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    Possible CRT setting changes

    I'm aware of those rooms but they seem to be used more for people carrying their rp to another room for privacy. It was more a suggestion because this seems to be an attempt at jazzing the place up some. Re-ignite interest and try to draw in new and old blood alike. I've heard talk of...
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    Possible CRT setting changes

    I have a question for you... Now, I admit that I don't know the first thing about what it takes to operate, maintain and run a website/chat room or such but couldn't a lot of problems be solved if you allowed people the ability to make their own open rooms? If they have establishment ideas...