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Recent content by PrinceofLowLight

  1. P

    Bardic songs in real life!

    King Crimson would probably work nicely for Elvish bards.
  2. P

    Name Inspiration

    Roman emperors and saints usually have neat-sounding names. Some good sites for culture-specific names: www.behindthename.com http://www.gaminggeeks.org/Resources/KateMonk/index.htm http://www.rinkworks.com/namegen/ Contemporary figures sometimes have cool names that could be modified...
  3. P

    Is your game silly or serious?

    As a firm believe in method acting, I believe in letting it go character by character. Having a comic, provided they act like people and not total gimmicks, adds to realism and only enhances a serious feel. Why? Because that's how people act in real life. And I'll say that as someone who's...
  4. P

    D&D terminology pet peeves

    My friend always says "skimmytar", but that's because he's a prick.
  5. P

    Mage the Ascension Question

    The Mage rulebook becomes less annoying if you just remember that the Neutral POV is pretty much non-extant in White Wolf books. When balanced against the Guide to The Technocracy, it makes for a fairly complete universe. There's much more potential for drama when you really understand where...
  6. P

    In-Game vs. Real Life Passage of Time

    Time usually flows at the same pace on a large scale, if for no other reason than we like doing "Holiday Sessions."
  7. P

    Latest Wizards Cover Botch

    Stormwrack sounds silly. It's not that I was particularly excited about "Maelstrom," it's just that one is an appropriate but innocuous title and the other is a non-word that sounds silly to say. And for the record, there is absolutely no reason for the book of the undead to have been called...
  8. P

    The Official Welcome Thread

    'lo all. I'm a migrant from the Wizards boards. I've only seen EN before to read Shemeska's Story Hour, now I know there's a whole neat website attached to it. :D Interested in D&D since elementary school. Always dug the books (particularly Planescape) but I didn't get a steady game until...
  9. P

    Roleplaying High Charisma?

    However you want. Charisma isn't about your wit and charm making everyone swoon over you, though it certainly can manifest that way. It's about your forceful personality influencing others. Gunnery Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket had a big, fat Cha score: The recruits didn't <i>like</i>...