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Recent content by raineym

  1. raineym

    D&D 5E Adventure Conversion Help

    I'm thinking of converting the old D&D 2e adventure series Eye of Pain, Eye of Doom, and Eye to Eye to 5e and the conversion part is not the problem. The problem I'm having is the wide disparity in CRs of the creatures in the adventures between editions and where to set the adventures, CR-wise...
  2. raineym

    Hellboy Homebrew - The Antichrist Engines Saturday 9a-1p

    If there's still a spot can I get in?
  3. raineym

    Fiasco Sunday 2pm-6pm - FULL

    I want in!
  4. raineym

    Paranoia S.P.A.C.E. Friday 2-6pm

    I want in!
  5. raineym

    Pathfinder 1E Infamy / Disrepute-style System for Custom Campaign

    I used the Advanced Editor. I don't know if I hit something wrong but I took paradox42's advice and removed the formatting. Should be fine now as I can see it now. I have not, nor was I aware that such a system existed. I've looked it over and it should work as is perfectly. Thanks.
  6. raineym

    Pathfinder 1E Infamy / Disrepute-style System for Custom Campaign

    I am currently starting a custom setting campaign and I want to include something similar to the Infamy/Disrepute system in Skull & Shackles. I "borrowed" the system for issuing Infamy/Disrepute (called Glory/Renown in my system) from Skull & Shackled almost without edit, but I need help on the...
  7. raineym

    [SIFRP] Drop-In Magic System?

    I'm in the planning stages for an Arthurian-style game that I have decided to use Green Ronin's Song of Ice and Fire as the system. However, the one drawback to the system, especially in an Arthurian-style game is that there is no magic system. Does anyone know of a no-mod/slight-mod magic...
  8. raineym

    Character Folio & Reference Sheets

    Forked from: Character Sheet Archive I decided to fork this post out of the Character Sheet Archive since it hasn't been updated recently.
  9. raineym

    Character Sheet Archive

    Character Folio and Reference Sheets I have created a few sheets for 4th Edition, including a Character Sheet, aka Folio, and some reference sheets for use during the game. If anyone wants to take them for a spin, go ahead. I am temporarily hosting them at MediaFire until I can get my own...
  10. raineym

    WotBS What don't fit in a WotBS campaign

    I was thinking more non-core, but still WotC. Like, I don't think the oriental-flavored classes, like the Ninja, Shugenja, or the Samurai fits.
  11. raineym

    WotBS What don't fit in a WotBS campaign

    I am going to start a WotBS campaign with my group when the current DM is finished with his and was wondering what classes and other things from 3.5 you all thought would not make a good fit in WotBS?
  12. raineym

    Rate I6 - Ravenloft

    I gave it an overwhelming 10. It is the only adventure known that spawned its own campaign setting. It made Strahd von Zarovich an iconic character in D&D. It was the first true "horror" adventure for D&D. Tracy Hickman stated a long time ago that Ravenloft and House on Gryphon Hill were in...
  13. raineym

    Are you a good role player?

    My hat's in the Very Good arena. I've been told to tone it down a bit at times.