• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Ryuutakeshi

  1. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E Attack bonus vs. damage bonus

    While I can't break down the math like some here can, it mostly works as follows: you can have all the damage bonuses in the world but it will do you no good if you can't hit anything. It's usually better to be more accurate and keep consistently hitting rather than hitting every other round...
  2. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E Tool modifier calculation

    Just popping to point out that creating forgeries and disguises falls under intelligence per chapter 7 of the PHB. Granted, it's still up to the DM buts it makes int more appealing.
  3. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E 3d6 in Order

    My turn. And I'm going to go random on the race as well. And I'll be randomly rolling up his background and only then will I have any kind of idea for his class. 11 8 5 14 11 10 Well, I think it's clear where we lean, but let's go for the rest. Overall, not great stats. THE BASICS * Human...
  4. Ryuutakeshi

    Unearthed Arcana New Year Unearthed Arcana Brings Back Those Old 2E Kits

    You know, I love the Scout but I agree with this. And it helps even out the amount of stuff they get at 3rd level
  5. Ryuutakeshi

    Unearthed Arcana New Year Unearthed Arcana Brings Back Those Old 2E Kits

    I think it is, to an extent, but it also is the most simple way to have a woodsy fighter without magic casting. But yeah, the subclass is a good replacement for a ranger and still has the survivability and potential for hitting hard
  6. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E Not convinced yet... but

    Ignoring completely your lack of consideration for a wizard's potential in later levels, your carrying capacity of 100 simply means you can carry 100 lbs of gear before you're encumbered... Which means you move 10 feet slower. That's it. You have a lot more to go before you start taking big...
  7. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E Magic Initiate - A guide to an underestimated (and cool) feat

    Hence why we figured it was pretty much invisible
  8. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E Magic Initiate - A guide to an underestimated (and cool) feat

    I guess everyone read "protective magical force" and assumed it was invisible since there really was no description of appearance given. There's no reason you can't flavor it that way going off the book and even then my DM hasn't had an issue with us refluffing things in some cases. But now...
  9. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E Magic Initiate - A guide to an underestimated (and cool) feat

    My mastermind rogue started with magic initiate. As he's also a craftsman and interested in pursuing some level of artificy later on, I chose mending and shocking grasp for the theme, and mage armor for the defense. But that meant he could be armored functionally all day without anyone noticing...
  10. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E 5th Edition Intelligence

    I'm just going to interject that disguises and forgeries also fall under int for DMs who run encounters that require either.
  11. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E Human v. Dwarf FINALS!

    Remember Shanxi... Oh wait. Human all the way. Some of my best friends are human.
  12. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E Which are the most imperative Craft and Tools in DnD E5

    Thieves tools easily are the most useful and most active, but you can find ways to use most of the others if you get creative. Had a player this last week who wanted to trade in a scavanged spellbook. A buyer came by and saw the PC had a deck of cards laying out. He challenged him to a game...
  13. Ryuutakeshi

    D&D 5E Human v. Gnome

    Never played a gnome, never wanted to.
  14. Ryuutakeshi

    New SCAG Info: Someone Got The Book

    So, my patron would be Christopher Lee then. I am okay with this. Sounds like an awesome pact.
  15. Ryuutakeshi


    I will most certainly blame my DM if I run across panther befriending, scimitar wielding drow. I don't think any of them actually like Drizzt