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Recent content by SilverFoxKnows

  1. S

    Monsterous Templates- Which are your favorites?

    I had a whole story centered around a group of half-fiends. Great bad guys thrust into the role of dubious allies. They certainly weren't good but they were the lesser of two evils.
  2. S

    Which monsters (or closely related groups of monsters) make the best campaign theme?

    My favorite BBEGs are Humans, followed by fiendish Humans, Gnolls, Goblinoids and Elves.
  3. S

    Race Help

    Things I've used A cowardly Ogre, a Gnoll Ranger, an intellectual Minotaur, a Goblin medicine woman, a redeemed Harpy. Good, or no, they still can't get into most cities.
  4. S

    Elves - Love em or Hate em?

    I've always liked them but I wouldn't call myself a fanboy. In my homebrew world I have about as many kinds of Elves as I do Dwarves. And they (the Elves) all get the same stat modifiers, +2 Dex, -2 Con. But I have more Human kingdoms than the Elves and Dwarves put together. I read Tolkein late...
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    (FR) Amn, Brost info

    In addition to Lands of Intrigue I have found some stuff on Amn just by searching on Yahoo. I think it was from Balders Gate: the Shadow of Amn but it's something. email sent
  6. S

    Need Help with Ship Names, Types

    From my homebrew campaigns There is a seafaring race that played a large part in a recent war. Their ships aren't historic, but hey, it's a fantasy world. They don't travel in "battle groups" they travel in "pods". Massive ships of heavy construction their speed comes from the clerics of the...
  7. S

    Challange of the Orcs!

    returning to the story Marak collapsed to his hands and knees, exhausted. He didn’t recognize the face reflected in the spreading pool of blood. It was bestial, with the snout of a war dog and the tusks of a wild boar. Was it his? He didn’t remember. Just as he didn’t recall...
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    Challange of the Orcs!

    And on to the numbers... 1. Gains the Rage ability. If the Orc already possesses the Rage ability he gains one Rage per day. 2. Bonus Feats: Endurance and DieHard 3. +2 natural armor 4. two claw attacks for 1d6 + Str and one bite for 1d4 + 1/2 Str 5. Fast Healing: 2 hit points per round...
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    Challange of the Orcs!

    I'm working on the crunch but here's the flavor... Butagga studied the young warrior with his one eye. The lad was a mountain of muscle, a full head taller than any warrior in the tribe. It was said he could sunder an Elven shield with his bare hands. And the War Chief assured him the boy’s...
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    Challange of the Orcs!

    I'm still thinking, Argent I spent most of Sat. looking up monstrous dieties trying to find one Gruumsh hasn't ticked off. No easy task;)
  11. S

    Quintessential Books - What's good?

    The Quintessential Half-Orc it's the only one I have so far but I highly recommend it. Tons of flavor plus some cool goodies. The "One Tusk" is quickly becoming one of my favorite races. Good thread, thanks. I've been looking to get more of the series and this helps.
  12. S

    Why Worship Gods?

    I run homebrew more often than the Realms and there is little doubt that the gods are real. In the earliest memories of the mortal races the gods waged war on mortal soil and nearly destroyed the world. Now, the Great Lords do not step foot on the world of men (although lesser gods and...
  13. S

    Innovative In-game Cuisine

    In my homebrew world the Dersert Orcs serve up marmot stew. Although it may be made from prairie dogs, rock chucks or whatever else they can trap or shoot. The PCs have yet to eat it. :p In a city full of telepaths the PCs were able to buy a tea that kept the mental noise to a minimum...
  14. S

    what other animals wold you allow a first level druid?

    I would allow any animal that had the same Hit Dice and comparable abilities. It you can have a horse why not a camel, mule or deer? If you can have a wolf why not a coyote, fox or bobcat? Eagle, Raven and hawk? Vulture or crane would be okay. No dire bears or elephants, though;) Silver