• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by tvknight415

  1. T

    GenCon and "the Attack"?

    When I would go to a Con, I want to sit and have a good time playing games. At the table, it didn’t matter if the other person was a guy or girl, gay or straight, fundie Christian or free spirited Wiccan, conservative republican or liberal democrat, or anywhere in between any of these. They were...
  2. T

    Paladin behavior question

    I don't have a problem with the deal, as it protects the villagers. However, summary execution of the Ogress, with zero investigation of her claim, kiss paladinhood goodbye. The split within the ogre tribe is plausible, as is the revolt, and the Ogress being tied up is evidence to support her...
  3. T

    Favourite Adventure Modules

    My person favorites are: I6: Ravenloft S1: Tomb of Horrors S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks If someone kept them and would quietly send you a copy, Id recommend Battlefield: Procampur from Living City and Forbidden Choice from Living Greyhawk. Forbidden Choice was so awesome, I volunteered...
  4. T

    D&D Cartoon

    The D&D cartoon wasn't very D&D, but it was fun for what it was. The only way the D&D movie is tolerable is to watch it with several friends and MST3K it.
  5. T

    D&D 5E Elminster/Drizzt 2016 T-Shirt: I wonder what that means.

    Cthulhu for President! Why settle for the lesser evil. Sadly, at least in the USA, that's pretty much what it boils down to.. Which is the lesser evil.
  6. T

    OotS 889

    Why would anyone want to leave the Nexus?
  7. T

    PDFs of books I own

    I'm not so sure you would need something specific. I've got an Epson CX4200 3-in-1 and the scanning software will generate a pdf (at least, that's what mine is doing whenever I scan work stuff). Of course, given how long it takes to scan 10-15 pages, I don't think I'd want to attempt a 100+...
  8. T

    Must have book per edition

    Basic D&D: Rules Cyclopedia - most complete set of rules under one cover. Period. I'd rather have both the Moldvay Basic/Cook & Marsh expert books, but with only 1 book per edition, have to go RC. AD&D 1E: S1 Tomb of Horrors - if I ever have to sell all my 1E stuff, this would be the last...
  9. T

    Which D&D edition do you *really* prefer?

    The simplicity of B/X using the 3.x mechanic, with the adventures of 1E set in the beautifully detailed world's of 2E... all presented in a RC styled (1 book) format. I'm not asking for much, am I?
  10. T

    Stuff D&D players never say (except when they do)

    Half-orc PC to an elf PC... "Shut up... lunch!" Cleric player to the shocked paladin player, after cleric just used command undead... "I'm not that kind of cleric."
  11. T

    Thinking up Signs of the Apocalypse in my Campaign

    The PC's actually win against a random wandering monster without consuming half of their spells... right before engaging in four significant enounters in a row... Hey, in some of my recent campaigns, that would be a sign of the apocalypse!
  12. T

    Thinking up Signs of the Apocalypse in my Campaign

    from F. Paul Wilson's Night World... Days begin to get noticeably shorter... quickly... Actually, the whole book was a pretty good build up to an apocalypse. Sadly, to get the best enjoyment out of it and appreciate the characters, there's about a half-dozen books before it that need to be read.
  13. T

    Balance bwtween Class, Race, and Background

    From Wisconsin... so I like cheese. But, class should be #1 in determining powers, background and race about 50/50 for the rest. I'd keep backgrounds fairly generic/simple though. Noble, peasant, aesetic (sp?), savage, merchant, wanderer, or something like that.
  14. T

    Classes you play the most

    As a general rule, I most often play... 1. Paladin 2. Cleric 3. Sorcerer 4. Barbarian/Ranger 5. Rogue/Fighter 6. There is no rule #6!
  15. T

    D&D 5E What Races for the 5E PHB

    For the core, I'd go dwarf, elf, halfling, human. Keep it there. If you had to include half-elves, I'd be fine. for the first players supplement, I'd add gnomes, plus most races that are half-X (aasimar, tiefling, half-orc, half-elf, half-vampire, half-dragon, etc.). I'd also include racial...