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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Kalinn strides along with the caravan, keeping her senses tuned to the surrounding jungle and trying to accustom herself to the 'normal' noises so she can weed out anything out of place.

She's quiet as she walks, ruminating on the events of the past several days.

Perception (1d20+6=19)


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The heat seems to intensify as you enter the jungle. The jungle itself is alive with cries and noises completely unfamiliar to most of you. As you crest a rise you see the river gorge before you, but the jungle noises are interrupted by rustling from the edges as guardsmen pile out of the jungle. Striding out among them is a dark skinned woman with long unkempt black hair.
Smiling at you she says, "Let's not mince words. Give me the key you carry and I shall let you continue on your way unmolested. Refuse, and my men will toss you into the river and you can swim to your destination."
Smiling even broader she holds out her hand expectantly.

OOC: the guards are armed with light crossbows which are loaded and ready, however, they seem to be waiting as opposed to getting ready to fire. The woman is dressed in strange, tight fitting clothing and appears to have no weapons (not even a dagger).


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Chaucer seems a bit taken aback by the sudden appearance of armed opponents facing them down, but recovers quickly. Pushing forward he says, Malady, I think you might have us mistaken for some other group. I do not know of this key which you speak of. I have a few things in my bags, but none of them are the keys you are looking for. Come now, why don't you tell us what this key looks like, maybe what it does, and I am sure that we can tell you if we have seen or it not. What say you? While he is speaking, Chaucer is also wracking his brain for a key that they had been given. Only a few days had passed since they left Venza, but it seemed like months had passed, and the excitement of the travel had put aside many of his other thoughts.

OOC: I have no idea what key is being mentioned here... Anyone want to clarify lol. Also, do I need a diplomacy or bluff check here?


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The tall woman rolls her eyes and says, "I assure you that I am quite certain you have it so try not to feign ignorance. It is the rather ornate, ancient key that Fast Freddie gave you in Venza."



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Aradra had his bow out, and had it at the ready before saying "I am very certain that we do not have said key. Now, kindly leave before I think of molesting you."

OCC: I looked over the logs, and there is no mention of a key at the beginning.


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OOC: The key is the thing that Frederick gave you at the meeting at the mansion in Venza. Remember how anxious Chaucer was to hold it? It is the item you were told to give the commander of the expedition when you get there. The posts dealing with it are on the second page of the logs


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To Chaucer, Frederick responds, "The site is in a hilly region of the jungle and they have about 100 people there. Of course, that number has dwindled some with their casaulties. They are excavating a strange ruin."
At this point the Magister interrupts, "Frederick, the key?"
"Ah yes," Frederick exclaims, "I almost forgot."
He produces a wrapped bundle that he opens on the table. Revealed is what appears to be a large strangely shaped key.
"The expedition uncovered a pair of large metal doors that have so far resisted all mundane and magical attempts to open. Magister Brunico was able to recognize the rubbings from the doors from another site where this key was recovered. We need you to bring this key to Julis, the expedition commander. It is critical that she get this."

Chaucer's eyes light up as Frederick unwraps the key and lays it on the table. He continues listening to the Lord's words, but his eyes never leave the key. When the noble finishes his description of the attacks, Chaucer licks his lips, and gently asks, May I hold the key? As he reaches his hand out to grab the key, he begins to talk excitedly. How many epics, great adventures start with a such a mystery. How many men and women have found glorious places in the chronicles of history when they pick up a treasure like this. This is not just a key to a doorway, but this is a key into the greatest books of history.

Looking up from the key as if coming from a daze, he looks around the room quickly, and then looking at the Magister he asks, My Lord, when do we leave for this journey? There are a few things that I should need to procure, and it might be better to do now before we leave the confines of Venza and enter into the stage that will be Sangre del Sol.

OCC: Found it.

Aradra's memory finally clicked. He asks, quite plainly, "Name and Rank."
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The woman's eyes flash with anger, "Come now! I do not wish to stand in the sun all day."
She eyes Aradra suspiciously, "And you do not need to get antsy with that bow. Be sure to keep your hand away from your quiver."
The guards also seem to be getting nervous.

Voidrunner's Codex

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