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Character Submission Thread

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
A 3D rendering program - DAZ3D. You can get the program free from their website. There's some free content as well, but most of it costs. I've been accumulating bits and pieces for a few years now. Still don't have a sickle, which is why I didn't put it on her hip.


First Post
Cool. Well, excellent job, sir. I will use those for now. I plan on trying to draw her myself whenever I get the chance, mostly because I have way too much time on my hands, and not particularly because I have any talent with art. But maybe I will try to get a hold of that program and see what I can do. Anyway, thanks! I feel so special that I have my own custom made art for my character! :eek:


First Post
Ooh I do rather like that last one. I think I'll go with that. I just wish I could find a good one with a laughing, or at least happy looking elf. They all just seem to be so stern or regal, and that's not my character at all.

I see what you mean. I can find mostly clothed ones that are stern, or mostly nekkid ones that are smiling. Tough to find smiling and not stripperiffic together. I did dredge up a few more, though.

I actually kind of like the last one here, although it's a little Warcraft-y.

[sblock=Partially Smiling Elf Pix]


First Post
Hope it is more in order now. Thank you for your suggestions and help.

Reviewing Frederick:

1. Added in class skill bonuses.
2. Reformatted some stuff so it's easier to read and added feat descriptions.
3. Sling is listed in the weapon block but has not been bought and isn't listed in inventory.
4. Wanderer archetype gives you either an Exotic Weapon or another language.
5. All your weapons deal bludgeoning damage, which might be a problem if your first adventure involves fighting zombies.

3 is minor, but 4 requires a choice of feat. NOT YET.

I would have fixed 3 myself, but given that 4 stands a good chance of altering your weapon loadout, I decided to wait.


First Post
I believe my character, Kris Swiftfoot, is ready to be examined for approval. Would someone be willing to give it a look?


A couple of side notes:

- I am looking for a good picture to use, but I haven't found anything online that I really like, and may end up just drawing one myself. We'll see.

- My animal companion is a small cat, but I don't really think the "sprint" ability fits with an Ocelot as well as it might with a cheetah or leopard (in terms of fluff as well as in terms of crunch.) I was wondering if I could replace that ability with something else. Maybe a climb speed, pounce, or a bonus to stealth? Just a thought. I would be happy with sprint too.

EDIT: so it won't let me post a link yet since I haven't posted on this forum 10 times yet. Any suggestions other than "go make 10 posts somewhere else in this forum?"

Reviewing Kris (in progress):
1. Grendath is not currently a known deity in LPF. Can we get a quick sketch of what Grendath is?
2. You get a free local language. Where is Kris from? She seems to fit in the Harran best, to me, which would give her Inner Sea as a local language. (This might also change her deity to the Green Man.)
3. Reformatted various AC/CMD/weapon stuff and lots of feat/feature/trait stuff.
4. Broke out Handle Animal for companion and non-companion. Added Wild Empathy under skills, just because it's easier to find there.

Things I still have to tackle: Equipment, Sanguine, Background, Spells.

Looks promising so far, though you might want to pick up some blunt arrows and a cestus.

EDIT: Saw you changed over to Penk.
Last edited:


First Post
Yeah, I didn't know where to find the pantheon that was available so I did a search on this forum, which is how I ended up with Grendath. But then I found the right pages in the pathfinder wikia, so I got it all sorted out. (I guess before I was looking at the pantheon for living EN world, not living pathfinder.)

Anyway, now that I've read more about the geography, I see what you mean about fitting in to Harran. Of course, Kris really doesn't fit in to the Harran ideology very well, which is fine because I already had basically labeled her an outcast in my back-story. In terms of religion then, I think Kris would be more likely to worship the Harran Forest itself rather than the Green Man. She has more of a tie to nature than to the people in her community.

Anyway, I will traveling for the holidays, so most I likely won't be able to devote much time to this in the next week or so. So take your time :)

Satin Knights

First Post
Background chosen as open, alternate racial trait chosen regarding the second favoured class. Switched out armour for a lighter alternative, so unencumbered. Perform changed to Profession, and I'm fine with the cards being shuriken - I've marked damage down as being 1, rather than 1d2-2, because they'll always do a minimum of 1 damage. Is that right?
Actually, 1d2-2 is going to do 1 non-lethal damage. You are doing as much damage as an elderly house cat. :eek:

My shot at reviewing Casandra:
a) Languages: Common and Elven are racials, High Landellian is a free regional, so you have two from an INT score of 14 to choose still
b) You had your Initiative listed as 0. With Dex, it is +2. Fixed.
c) Your cards are going to do 1 non-lethal damage. Pick up a cross bow so you can do something effective when needed.
d) The Sociable replaces Adaptability, so you get to chose one or the other.
e) If you keep Skill Focus, placing it on Perception is more effective. The skill comes up more often.
f) Favored Class bonus: Systole mentioned this before. Oracle: Add one spell known from the oracle spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the oracle can cast., from the Advanced Race Guide. This is very powerful and you should take advantage of it. At first level, it just adds an orison, but those are nice too.
g) You didn't list Multitalented. You get to pick a second class for favored bonuses. I highly suggest bard and pick up a level or two in it. Oracle/Bard synergizes well. 2 levels of Archivist Bard, or 1 of a normal bard works well.
h) Summon Monster I for an oracle is one round per level. It also takes a full round to cast. So, it will get disrupted more often than it will do damage. Bless improves your whole party for 10 rounds. Command is another good one considering the DC 15 you will be casting at.
i) Pick up a dagger. Otherwise, slicing up dinner is going to be difficult.
j) Trail rations. Once you get out of town, you are going to need them. Your survival skill would have you going hungry 45% of the time right now.
k) LPF has a 100% buy back policy for inventory. So, you lose nothing by buying an item, then selling it back to the store at the end of the adventure if you didn't use it. So, spend all your gold down to about 5 gp left.
l) Potion of Mage armor doubles the bonus and lasts an hour compared to a potion of Shield of Faith's minute of protection. Or convert the Shield of Faith potion to a scroll at 25 gp. That gives you a few more coin to spend on the other things I suggested.

Well, that list is long enough to send you back to the drawing board to continue tweaking.


First Post
Actually, 1d2-2 is going to do 1 non-lethal damage. You are doing as much damage as an elderly house cat. :eek:

The Sociable replaces Adaptability, so you get to chose one or the other.

Huh, I did not know about minimum damage going to NL. I thought it stayed lethal. You learn something new every day.

d) Argh, I should have caught that one. I thought it replaced Multitalented.

Voidrunner's Codex

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