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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Rodents of Unusual Size pt 4


I don't have any email backups, but I have a pretty good idea of what spells Menik has left. Looking forward to continuing this.

It'll be interesting to see how the switch to a Star Trek game plays out :)

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Deuce Traveler

Lem had not been struck yet, but he did use a couple of his ki pool points. Other than that, he was making a quick line towards a pedestal with a strange device and doing acrobatic somersaults to avoid AoO along the way.


[sblock]OK, well this is the last game to go of the three I run. I'll do my best to summarize what was lost and we'll move forward. Thank you for your patience.[/sblock]
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Having left the Ratfolk village, the small group of white cloaks and heroes traveled through the swamp, seeking the boggard village. Throughout the travels, the White Cloaks seemed rather professional in nature, although not nearly as skilled as those specially hired by the commander for the mission. For the most part, they accept the presence of those paid more than themselves, and several seemed to outwardly welcome it, chatting about this and that with the relative 'newcomers.'

Andreas Costas turns out to be a key ally in the mission, apparently donating his time, as he is nominally in the army, not the White Cloaks. His knowledge of the area seems rather complete, and the group navigates towards their destination with little difficulty. Using his expert navigation, the group makes camp not far from the location of the boggard village, to commence the final approach and ensuing foray in the morning hours, when the boggards do not gain the advantage of their ability to see in the dark.

The final approach that morning started normally. The White Cloaks were quiet as they broke camp and began the march into the swamp. The commander made good use of her sergeant, who did the lion's share of directing how the group moved. A pivotal moment came when the commander gave the go-ahead to use a land bridge to cross between two sizable lakes, which would restrict the mobility of her men. Without fail, the boggards chose to attack there, coming in from both the land (front) and the water (sides). The heroes proved instrumental in turning back the boggard assault, with Menik providing strong mass damage spells to quickly even the odds and Weylyn and Lem sighting out stronger members of the enemy force and taking them down. However, the attack did claim the life of one of the White Cloaks and badly wound several more, despite Macabee's best efforts to keep everyone alive.

Seizing upon the situation, Commander Jacobson called for a retreat, making sure all dead and wounded were carried off, leaving only dead and fleeing boggards behind. After line of sight was broken, her plan was revealed--the majority of the White Cloaks would continue back to the Ratfolk village, while her and the heroes would continue the mission alone. This was met with discussion, particularly from Menik. After some input, she still elected to continue, but with the addition of Macabee to the strike group and emphasizing caution to the withdrawing group.

Now traveling only with the Commander and Macabee, the heroes successfully located the boggard village. Searching for likely hiding places for the RCC (Ratty Control Contraption), eyes settled upon a cave. Sneaking invisibly through the village, the group slipped into the cave. They quickly came upon a small group of three boggards discussing matters with 4 humans of obvious Venzan extraction. The lead boggard seemed to be the priest king they had heard so much about, the second seemed to be some sort of bodyguard, and the last seemed to be strangely unremarkable, hiding up against the back wall of the cave as the discussion in the boggard language continued. Finally, what appeared to be the RCC (a magical box on a stand) stood just five or ten feet from the boggards.

The group was just starting to consider their move when Macabee made a misstep, and the stumble attracted the attention of one of the Venzans, who challenged the unseen source of the sound. Realizing the gig was up, the group sprang into action...

[sblock=Your Actions]OK, so if you could restate your actions, both in terms of narrative and mechanics, we'll go from there. I'll be setting things up with a map this time, and you can move your tokens as you play through the encounter. Sorry for the delays, some have been real, others my difficulty in dealing with the damage to my games (it's been a real let-down). [/sblock]


Seeing that the time has come to act, Menik casts a spell, targeting all seven enemies with a phantasmal web.

ooc: Will disbelief DC 20, then Fort partial DC 20

"I wouldn't miss this party!" he declares as he becomes visible. Maccabee, nearby, remains invisible.

[sblock=stats]Menik, wizard 10
AC 21 (touch 13, ff 18); mage armor & shield spells active; hp 69/72
Init +3, CMB +6, CMD 19, Fort +8, Reflex +9, Will +10; Perception +12 (low-light vision), Stealth +12

Attack longsword +6 (1d8+1, 19/x2) or dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19/x2)

Force missile (Sp): (1d4+5, as magic missile, 7/8 per day)

Elemental Wall (Sp): 2d6+10 or 2d4 or 1d4, 10/10 rounds/day

Arcane bond: ring; cast any spell in spellbook 1/day except Abj or Div

Spells DC 15 + spell level; (& = evocation, +1 DC, +4 damage, school spell)
(- = abj, 1 slot), (* = div: need 2 slots) (~ = fire, +1 DC)

spells/day: 4 cantrips, 6+1& 1st, 5+1& 2nd, 4+1& 3rd, 4+1& 4th, 3+1& 5th
concentration: +15 (+5 Int, +10 level)
lesser metamagic rod, selective (3/day, up to 3rd level spell, exclude up to 4 creatures from area of effect)

Level 0: message, ray of frost (50', +8 ranged touch, 1d3+5), detect magic*

Level 1: mage armor (cast), magic missile& (1d4+6,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1),
ear-piercing scream& (50', 5d6+5, daze 1 rnd, Fort (DC 17) 1/2 + no daze) (x3),
charm person, protection from evil-

Level 2: mirror image (1d4+3, 10 min) (x2) (cast 1),
toppling magic missile& (1d4+6,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1; trip +15) (x2),
blindness/deafness (cast), false life (1d10+10 temp hp, 10 hr) (cast)

Level 3: haste (10 targets, 10 rounds), dispel magic-, invisibility sphere (cast),
fireball&~ (10d6+5, Reflex half DC 20, 20' radius, 800' range) (x2) (cast 1)

Level 4: ball lightning& (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 1st attack +5 damage, 10 rnds, Reflex DC 20),
fear (Will partial DC 19), greater invisibility, confusion (Will DC 19),
black tentacles (20' radius, 1d6+4, grapple CMB +15(+20))

Level 5: fire snake& (60' snake, 12d6+5, Reflex half DC 22) (x2) (cast 1),
phantasmal web (Will DC 20, Fort DC 20, 10 targets) (cast), feeblemind (Will DC 20)

Gear: 4 days' rations, potion of CLW (1d8+1), potion of CSW (3d8+5), periscope, pearl of power (1st level) (used today),
Staff of Minor Arcana (9/10 charges, cast shield (1 charge) or magic missile (2 charges))

Deuce Traveler

Lem tumbles and twirls in order to avoid attacks of opportunity as he puts himself in between the enemy and their device. "Hey ho, don't mind us! We came because we heard you had a rodent issue!"


OOC: Just need [MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION] and we'll be good to go.

PS: Thank you everyone for working through the recovery process with me. I hope things start to flow smoothly once we get past the stitch point.


. . . Hey hey, we're the Venzans! . . .

Suddenly, the group springs into action. Weylyn casts a spell to hasten his allies and steps forward towards the enemy, Jacobson moving with him. Lem positively springs into action, inserting himself between the Priest King himself and the table which almost certainly holds the RCC, responsible for the rodent threat facing Venza. And Menik brings forth a magic that almost immediately has several of the enemies writhing about as if some heavy binding substance were upon them, their eyes tracking some unseen foes.

However, the man in back of the Venzan group, not quite in the initial area, surveys the situation carefully. In mere seconds he begins a response, and Menik recognizes that old caster standby - Dispel Magic. With a gesture, those afflicted suddenly stop their struggles against the illusory tendrils, and the man immediately calls out, "Stay your weapons and spells. If the rat device is what you desire, it can be yours! I see a potential way to resolve this without the need for," and he shoots a glance over at the Boggard's Priest King, "excessive violence. Care to listen, or shall we fight it out?"

. . . Croak your way to a better Venza-free future! . . .

Fully understanding the wizard's sideways glance, the Priest King steps back, casting some sort of spell while protecting himself from possible assault by Lem. "Traitor! We had a deal, we can kill these four easily enough without subversion!" His bodyguard, a boggard of large size wielding a two-handed club, steps back with him, hefting it menacingly.

Meanwhile, the boggard in the back looks on, pushed against the cave wall. The look of fear and dread in his eyes, even if a bit alien to humans and elves, is obvious.

. . . Commander Jacobson . . .

Not matching the wizard's boisterous voice, Jacobson seems uneasy. Speaking in a purposely low voice, she remarks, "I don't trust these people, we should be cautious." A wave of the sword indicates she is talking about the Venzans, the closest of which is an armored man just 15 feet away from Weylyn. Raising her voice, she responds, "What's the offer?"

[sblock=Combat Stuff]Weylyn Casts Haste and steps forward, drawing his weapon out, ready for action. Jacobson steps up with him, covering her teammate.
Macabee stays still, not breaking his invisibility or otherwise betraying his presence.
Menik's spell effects all enemies except the regular Boggard and Giovanni. Many seem effected.
Giovanni surveys the situation and casts a Dispel Magic, then speaks.
The other Venzans fan out and ready actions.
The Priest King defensively casts a spell, then speaks.
The Boggard Champion readies an action.
The Boggard does nothing.

Combat Actors
Jacobson: AC 27, 0 Damage, Haste
Macabee: AC 19, 0 Damage, Haste
Menik: AC 21, 0 Damage, Mage Armor, Shield, Haste
Weylyn: AC 21, Haste
Lem: AC 26, Haste
Boggard: AC 14, 0 Damage
Priest King: AC 25, 0 Damage
Boggard Champion: AC 23, 0 Damage
Sean Aloghersie: AC 23, 0 Damage
Giovanni Sentesie: AC 15, 0 Damage
Alicia Novertia: AC 18, 0 Damage
Georgio Padwanis: AC 23, 0 Damage

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/92263/580d892b883d6

(1) We need to get moving, and sadly Mowgli hasn't been available to post. Thank you for bearing with me, everyone. I hope you're entertained with the conclusion to this adventure.
(2) Water squares are merely wet cave floor, and not very deep. If you treat it as difficult terrain when you move, there is no effect. If you don't, DC 10 Acrobatics check or fall down.
(3) You can speak and/or take actions, but like a regular combat, make sure you take no more than one round's worth of actions.
(4) The boggard picture with the spear is the Champion, the one with the staff is the Priest King.

Everyone is up.


Not sure of what is about to happen next, Menik decides to protect himself by casting mirror image.

ooc: [roll0] images


The man who spoke gives a nod to Menik as multiple images of the wizard come into existence, weaving around the elf and making it difficult to discern which is real.

OOC: [MENTION=34958]Deuce Traveler[/MENTION] and [MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION] are up next.

Voidrunner's Codex

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