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D&D 5E Adventures in Middle-Earth [OOC]

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OK one down. How are the other two doing?? [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION] and [MENTION=43620]Tesseract[/MENTION] still interested?


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So to inspire a bit depending on what [MENTION=6688856]Justine[/MENTION]Case is making (and maybe [MENTION=43620]Tesseract[/MENTION]) I might drop an NPC into the group to aid you a bit (but maybe not). This was a character I wanted to play (with an extra level and a Virtue) in a PBP that fizzled a few years ago...

Braggi, son of Borgim
You were born in the Iron Hills but came to Erebor to fight in the Battle of Five Armies with Dáin II Ironfoot some five years ago and settled within the Lonely Mountain with your battle brothers. Most of these last years you have spent restoring the kingdom to its former glory.
In recent days you have been experiencing forbidding dreams that have to do with the open sky. You know not what they mean yet but there is some task you must complete out there. Maybe make a name for yourself and gain a title (such as your father’s, Ironskull. Legends say that when fighting a troll years before you were born he was struck on the head with an iron mettle by the beast. The weapon split his helm and dazed your father for a moment but the weapon failed to kill him as it should have. Your father went on to slay the beast near single handily, earning his title). You secretly fear that the dream will lead to your doom but you feel you must fulfill it anyway.

Class & Level: Warrior 2nd; Background: Harrowed
Culture: Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain (the Iron Hills); Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power.
Character Traits: Distinctive Quality: Determined. You will let nothing get in the way between you and fulfilment of your dream, whatever it may be.
Specialty: Rhymes of Lore. You have been collecting various verses in the hopes of stitching meaning.
Hope: “The more I understand my dream, the less I fear what I need to do.”
Despair: “I believe my dreams are being fed by the Shadow; they are leading me to my doom.”

STR 17 (+3), DEX 12 (+1), CON 16 (+3), INT 10 (+0), WIS 11 (+0), CHA 10 (+0)
Saving Throws: Strength +5, Constitution +5
Armor Class: 16/18 (heavy mail/with shield); Initiative: +1; Speed: 25 feet
Hit Points: 26 (Hit Die 2d10)

Proficiency Bonus: +2; Proficiencies: All Armour, Shields, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons. Tools (Stonecutting artesian +2)
Attacks: Great Axe melee weapon attack +5, damage 1d12+3 slashing
Short Bow ranged weapon attack +3, damage 1d6+1 piercing

Skills: Acrobatics (Dex) +1, Animal Handling (Wis) +0, Athletics (Str)* +3, Deception (Cha) +0, History (Int) +0, Insight (Wis) +0, Intimidate (Cha)* +2, Investigate (Int)* + 2, Lore (Int)* +2, Medicine (Wis) +0, Nature (Int) +0, Perception (Wis) +0, Performance (Cha) +0, Riddle (Int) +0, Shadow-Lore (Int) +0, Sleight-of-Hands (Dex) +1, Stealth (Dex) +1, Survival (Wis) +0, Traditions (Int) +0

Class Features: Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighter), Second Wind (1d10+2); Action Surge (can take one additional action on turn. Requires a rest to reuse).
Background Feature: Foreknowledge (Your dreams grant you riddles, verses and visions that not only directly aid you on your quest but also tangentially give you an insight into people and places that may only be peripherally related to your dreams)
Traits: Dwarf (Night Vision; Resilience/advance vs. poison saves and resistance to poison damage; Combat Training; Tool Proficiency; Stonecunning/double proficiency with History)
Virtues: Old Hatred (can re-roll damage dice when fighting orcs, goblins and their kin with melee).
Perception: darkvision 60ft, passive perception 10
Languages: Speak, read and write Dalish (tongue of the Bardings) and speak, read and write in the secret tongue of Dwarfs.

Standard of Living: Rich (G, S 35, C)
Equipment: Heavy Mail, Great Axe, Shield, Short Bow with quiver of 20 arrows, Fur-lined travel cloak, Traveling gear for season, Bedroll, Ornamented walking stick, backpack, comfortable boots, a gold coin from Smaug’s hoard


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Thanks for the format! :) Here's Ursa, the female Beorning Slayer.

Ursa of the Bear
You were born and raised in the inhospitable Misty Mountains, where you and your family lived a harsh but content life. Until you were 14 and the orcs came, butchering your father, mother and siblings. Being gravely injured, three orcs remaining after the rest had moved on to raid elsewhere, you were tortured and doomed.
If it wasn’t for the arrival of a large, angry cave bear, you would’ve died there on the mountain. Instead, the female bear whom your family always treated with respect and left a bit of food for each spring, mauled one orc to death and scared the others away.
As the filthy creatures of Shadow fled, promising a painful death if they ever found you again, you were both relieved and terrified that one day, the orcs will at last kill you. You are doomed to die, and by the hands of orcs.
After simple ceremonies to say goodbye to the dead, you left the mountains and found yourself wandering the Vales, when word of a ferocious orc-slaying bear drew you to Beorn. Young and naive, you did not realize that being invited in was rare, and that being taught by the Skinchanger the secret of baking those delicious honey-cakes and even letting your spirit form roam the world was even more special!
Only now, deep in your mid-twenties, do you appreciate the gifts Beorn has given you, and although you are still mourning your family, you know that soon you will join them in death. But in the meantime, you will make sure that your time does not come too soon...

Class & Level: Slayer 2; Background: Doomed to Die
Culture: Beorning; Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
Character Traits: Distinctive Quality: Patient. While you know that you will die soon you aren’t eager to hasten it. You live your life as normal, knowing that the appointed hour will come when it will.
Specialty: Enemy lore (orcs). Not only are you doomed to die, but you are sure by whose hands it will be. You won’t make it easy for them.
Hope: “I shall make sure that my friends live to see my sacrifice.”
Despair: “I fear that I will die alone and unremembered.”

STR 16 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (+0), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Saving Throws: Strength +5, Constitution +4
Armor Class: 15 (corslet of mail); Initiative: +2; Speed: 30 feet
Hit Points: 28 (Hit Die 2d12)

Proficiency Bonus: +2; Proficiencies: Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons.
Attacks: Great Axe melee weapon attack +5, damage 1d12+3 slashing
Spear melee weapon attack +5, damage 1d6+3 piercing (versatile 1d8)
Spear ranged weapon attack +4, damage 1d6+2 piercing (thrown 20/60)
Hand-axe melee weapon attack +5, damage 1d6+3 slashing
Hand-axe ranged weapon attack +4, damage 1d6+2 slashing (thrown 20/60)

Skills: Acrobatics (Dex) +2, Animal Handling (Wis)* +3, Athletics (Str)* +5, Deception (Cha) +0, History (Int) +0, Insight (Wis) +1, Intimidate (Cha)* +2, Investigate (Int) +0, Lore (Int) +0, Medicine (Wis) +1, Nature (Int) +0, Perception (Wis) +1, Performance (Cha) +0, Riddle (Int) +0, Shadow-Lore (Int)* +2, Sleight-of-Hands (Dex) +2, Stealth (Dex) +2, Survival (Wis)* +3, Traditions (Int) +0

Class Features: Battle-fury (2 furies of 1 minute per long rest, granting advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, +2 damage on melee attacks, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage), Unarmoured Defence (add Con modifier to AC when unarmoured), Reckless Attack (when making your first attack on your turn, can decide to attack recklessly, granting advantage on melee attacks, and giving opponents advantage against you until your next turn), Vigilant Senses (advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks when seeking to detect nearby enemies or ambushes).
Background Feature: Dark Foreboding (You have a sixth sense of sorts when in the presence of Shadow; you may not know exactly what is behind this feeling, but you can sense its presence grow stronger or weaker).
Traits: Beorning (Ability Score Increase: +1 to Strength, +1 to two additional stats (Dex, Con), Angry: proficient in Intimidate, Beorning Cultural Virtue)
Virtues: Night-goer (can slip into a dream-like state at night, leaving your body in spirit form to travel swiftly along animal tracks in the form of a visible bear); Twice-Baked Honey-cakes (you know the secret of baking legendary honey-cakes that remove the first layer of exhaustion you and your fellow travelers acquire).
Perception: passive perception 11
Languages: Speak the Vale of Anduin Tongue (an archaic version of the Common Speech closely related to Dalish)

Standard of Living: Martial (G, S (to be rolled),C)
Equipment: Great axe, corslet of mail, spear, two hand axes, a brightly coloured travelling cloak, travelling gear for the current season, backpack, a belt dagger, boots, a bundle of tasty honey-cakes.


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Ursa of the Bear

Excellent!!! Let me look her over... but I think I am willing to run with just two players if you and [MENTION=6808932]eayres33[/MENTION] are cool with just two. Not to discourage [MENTION=43620]Tesseract[/MENTION] if you are still interested. I might have the first post for the IC ready later today. A third companion could always join later...

Do the two of you want to begin knowing each other? What has brought you do Esgaroth and/or the ruins of Laketown and/or the region?


the magical equivalent to the number zero
I’m open to it, although I prefer more players.

Our characters could very well know each other, eayres. They’re around the same age, and depending on hoe long Ulfred had been travelling before the campaign, may have wandered into Beorning territory. Knowing her destiny lies not in staying at home, Ursa may have decided to follow him.


I’m good with the characters knowing each other, I was thinking Utfred had been on the road for around two years, maybe a little less, so he should have been able to travel to a decent amount of places. Here rarely stays in one place for long.

I would have thought more people would have jumped at an AIME game since they are so hard to find in person, but we can always keep it open and hopefully run into more characters along the way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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