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Dice bag vs app

Be honest, tell the truth.

How many people still carry a dice bag and how many use a roller app on their phone? I'm curious.

I'm old school gamer, so I generally use a bag o' dice.

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Most of my group moved to rolling on D&D Beyond while we were stuck playing online during the worst of the pandemic. Now that we're back in person, some are still rolling on their phones, when we used to have a "no phones at the table" rule.

I'm going to try to get them to switch back to dice. Heck, I'm going to try to get them to switch back to printed character sheets. They are SLOW at using the apps.

"Oops, wait, what screen is that on? Just a sec. Found it! Oh, now it's gone. Here I go... uh, I rolled an 8. Oh, but it didn't add my bonus. So a 13. Oh that hits? Okay, let me roll damage... uh, just a sec. Where's the d8?" Etc.

Just pick up your dice, gents.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Dice bag. Even while running games on Roll20, I prefer physical dice.


I avoid using any app on my phone if I can help in. When playing on roll20 and its ilk, I use the built in dice rolling tools. I have a bag of dice on my table for Discord play.


Staff member
Bag o‘ dice, here.

On game night, I have more important things to do with my tech than generating random numbers. Looking up rules, powers, spells, etc.; communicating with other players (DM included) without passing physical notes. That kind of thing.


Dice bag?




Physical dice here as well, although my bag finally fell apart after many decades of use. Now I carry my dice in a large, wide-mouthed, plastic medicine bottle, upon which has been affixed the following sticker:


May cause emotional extremes, especially when a d20 comes up as a natural "1" or "20" during especially important rolls. Fireball dice must be handled with care; if a burning sensation persists, see your physician at once. For external use only. If swallowed, induce vomiting - but nobody's going to want to count that die's result, so prepare to reroll.



While I currently use D&D Beyond and Roll20 (the Beyond20 extension app is a lifesaver in this regard), as soon as I play in person it will be with physical dice and paper character sheets. Physical dice might be a wee bit slower to begin with as I'll be forgetting to add modifiers, but eventually I'll get the hang of it. D&D Beyond dice, depending on my browser or screen size don't always roll consistently, and there's only so much you can do before it's your mouse hand and keypad speed that slow you down versus using a pencil. That and I just like physical dice: the look the feel, the sound... not even my DDB mastercraft dice can beat the hard tap of a plastic math rock.

I may yet take my online DM's permission to use physical dice if I keep bringing the game down with technical faults.

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