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Search results

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    Witchblade setting

    Just watched the recently released 1st DVD of the Witchblade anime. Got me thinking . . . Has any company made a setting with the Witchblade series? Anybody do a d20 Modern campaign with Witchblade?
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    In need for some tiles

    I am in need of some tiles to use in my campaign. I have lots of scenery tiles, mostly from skeletonkey games. What I need now is wagons, horses, etc. Any help would be appreciated.
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    DM Buddy and other DM helpers

    What is out there for DM helper software, in Excel or standalone? I was looking for DM Buddy, but the Google results were only to this forum. The links in here were 404.
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    Announcing Department-7.com!

    (Also posted on WotC's board. I'm "double posting" to cover that don't read WotC's boards.) Okay, this is it. No d20 Modern Living Campaign appears on the Indy GenCon list of events. Again. I'll be damned if that will happen next year. Announcing Department-7.com! I'm proposing this community...
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    Almost forced back to d20 Fantasy

    Ya know, I really hate to say this, but I'm almost forced to go back to D&D. I'm just not that good at creating scenarios and I need that accessory-support from All Y'all publishers to make a years worth of d20 Modern gaming. And since the well has dried up, i.e., no new scenarios via the...
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    Witch Hunter Robin

    (Searched for this, without a search engine) Has anyone done anything similar to Witch Hunter Robin, an anime from a few years back? I just watched the first DVD (5 episodes) and seem pretty good. Dept 7-ish group of 6 people in Japan hunting down people ("witches") with Psionic abilites...