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    Release Rock Opera '79

    Rock Opera '79. The RPG of rock and rebellion in a campy dystopian retro-future. In the distant future of 1979, can you overthrow the evil Discocracy and restore rock’s right to rule? Imagine your favorite rock band of all time. Better yet, a supergroup with stars from legendary acts that...
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    Hasbro Posts $32.9 Million Profit in First Quarter

    from AP, via the New York Times: Hasbro Posts $32.9 Million Profit in First Quarter By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: April 23, 2007 Filed at 9:41 a.m. ET PAWTUCKET, R.I. (AP) -- Hasbro Inc., the nation's second-largest toymaker, said Monday that it swung to a first-quarter profit on...
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    Blackthorn's Tavern Now Open in Second Life

    "You meet in a tavern..." In the world of SecondLife, a tavern stands upon a high ridge above the sea. It's a place where gamers and player characters meet to talk about gaming, to form gaming groups, and just enjoy a cup of tea by a roaring fire. When you're ready to game, I've got 3-D...
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    Help me cover a Tavern Bathroom Wall with Grafitti

    So I'm designing a tavern, and I'm working on detailing the garderobe (bathroom). So, ENWorld wits, give me some pithy scrawls to put on the walls. I'm wondering what you'd see on the walls in a vanilla fantasy tavern, the kind that "you meet in." The only rules are: Rated PG No WotC product...
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    Phil Pfister: Highest Strength Score in the World

    The NY Times has a feature article on firefighter Phil Pfister, the World's Strongest Man. Gives you an idea of what a PC with a very high Strength might look like in terms of build. This guy can lift 300-pound boulders, flip over a car -- pretty incredible. Link Here So in d20 System terms...
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    Who's your Gandalf now, baby?

    Does your campaign have a Gandalf? You know, the mysterious character who shows up to warn the PCs of a great danger threatening the land, or reveal their special destiny? Usually a Gandalf is disliked by respectable folk, often referred to as "that crazy old beggar" or "troublemaker." He may...
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    Rules for Making Hybrid Monsters

    So we have been told that creatures such as the owlbear and bulette are the creation of wizards crossing various other creatures. Has anyone ever seen rules, either WotC or third-party, for creating hybrid monsters of this sort? A high-level spell, maybe? How would one go about adjudicating a PC...
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    Combats -- Good til the last (corpses) drop?

    How willing are you DMs out there to hit the fast-forward button on a combat whose outcome seems certain? Do you feel compelled to run a combat blow-by-blow until the very last bad guy falls, or do you (like me) sometimes just say "It's clear which way this combat is going -- you kill the last...