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Search results

  1. S

    List of d20 IP Conversions Since GenCon 2000

    Here's a list of all the Intellectual Properties I could think of which pre-date the d20 license, and which have since appeared in an official d20/OGL incarnation -- or at least with dual-stats. Entries in parentheses indicate IPs which are purportedly on their way to d20/OGL. Entries in curly...
  2. S

    Best 'Back to the Dungeon' adventure(s)?

    I'm looking to start a new dungeoneering campaign (with 1st-level characters), and I would like to hear experienced DMs' recommendations for dungeon-based adventures. Basically, I just want high-quality dungeons and not much else. No cities or wilderness, nor intricate setting-specific tripe to...
  3. S

    Help finding one of Tolkien's unfinished tales

    A long time ago, I read a story of Tolkien's that concerned a Numenorean husband and wife that had a falling out (the husband was away for long stretches, and the woman stayed at home). I am trying to find that story again, but I can't remember which book it was in (whether 'Unfinished Tales' or...
  4. S

    Star Wars scrolling intro for rpg?

    Has anyone ever heard of a computer program that would let you simply type in some text, and the program would turn it into a customized, scrolling "yellow-letters-on-a-field-of-stars" intro like is seen at the beginning of the Star Wars movies? That would be a cool way to start each rpg session.