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Search results

  1. Archon of Light

    Pledge Your Support for 3PPs

    Whatever reasons WotC has for their recent actions are no longer relevant to me. Ever since 4th Edition has been released, they have repeatedly shown little or no regard for their customers or their fans, and have only succeeded in alienating them further from their game and diminishing their...
  2. Archon of Light

    D&D 4E 4e - Power Cards (Full color, Heroic Tier, pdf)

    I made a small announcement about these already, but they're buried behind n-teen pages of another thread. But a few have managed to find them and the feedback has been considerably good, so I'm re-announcing it where others can find it. The complete set of heroic tier power card can be found...
  3. Archon of Light

    Dealing with Heavy Armor in a Swashbuckling Campaign

    This is a work in progress, so expect things to change as it is needed and critiqued. I am writing this for a campaign using the Savage Tide Adventure Path out of Dungeon magazine. Characters are using the 32-point buy method and are expected to run the entire length of the campaign. This...