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Search results

  1. Ayrk

    Board gaming podcast

    Hello, Since we have this nifty new forum, I thought I'd let people know about out podcast On Board Games. We have a roundtable discussion about a topic related to boardgaming and then we have some reviews. If you are familiar with Board Games with Scott, he is one of the round table...
  2. Ayrk

    [2RG] Background Noise now available

    Background Noise Breathe life into your character Available at RPGNow Another product in our line of generic supplements, this one allows you to randomly generate a background for any fantasy character. By walking through a series of tables, you will determine: Where the character grew up...
  3. Ayrk

    It is time to throw the party in the dungeon

    So I have a party of 8 9th level characters that need to feel the shackles of being in prison on them. I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out an easy way to capture them without just waving my magic wand and sending everyone to sleep. I would kill for a powerful mass sleep or even a...
  4. Ayrk

    I need your pizza delivery stories

    I noticed that whenever pizza delivery folk get together and start swapping stories, they are always entertaining. I'm trying to collect as many stories as I can and I thought the folks at EnWorld could give me a hand. Visit my site at http://pizza.erikdewey.com and submit your favorite stories...
  5. Ayrk

    Looking for a reviewer

    Hello, I'm looking for a couple of people who would like to review our latest PDF product, People, Places, and Things: Living in a Fantasy World. It is a system neutral product with 11 fleshed out locations and battlemats. If you are interested, either send me mail via this site or at...
  6. Ayrk

    Hey look, I made a Spycraft Character Builder

    Hello, I recently finished making an Excel sheet that builds Spycraft 2.0 characters and thought others around here might find it useful. You can get it at my website (www.erikdewey.com) under Gaming. Let me know what you think or if you come across any errors. Thanks.
  7. Ayrk

    [Second Rat Games] People, Places, and Things 2: Living in a Fantasy World Released

    Second Rat Games is proud to present People, Places, and Things: Living in a Fantasy World. This system neutral sourcebook contains 11 fantasy locations and floorplans chock full of plot hooks, regular customers, descriptions, and detailed maps. In addition to all this, Living in a Fantasy...
  8. Ayrk

    Is there a Power Word: Sleep spell somewhere?

    For my next adventure, I need to capture a character as quickly and certainly as possible. Since everyone is 18th level I want to avoid saving throws. Power Word Kill is obviously a little to potent and Stun or Blind don't last long enough. So is there a Power Word Sleep anywhere or does anyone...
  9. Ayrk

    Arcade Fighting Moves book available

    I just finished compiling my book of arcade game fighting moves and put it up for sale at lulu. This book has all of the special moves for over 100 arcade fighting games in an easy to find and easy to read format, perfect for glancing at between rounds. The book is available in either a 6x9...
  10. Ayrk

    Vitriolic Sphere (Complete Arcane) Question

    Hello, So last night our resident sorcerer dropped this spell on some bad guys. We read it and read it and became confused on one point. The description of the spell says it does xd4 damage in a 10' radius. The affected target then makes a Reflex save. If they fail they take 6d4 next round and...
  11. Ayrk

    Please add Wryneck's Wheelhouse to be reviewed

    Hello, Can you please add Wryneck's Wheelhouse: Mobile Home of Doom by Second Rat Games to be reviewed? Thanks.
  12. Ayrk

    [Second Rat Games] Wryneck's Wheelhouse (Support the Troops) released

    Second Rat Games is proud to announce the release of Wryneck's Wheelhouse: Mobile Home of Doom. This special project is a HackMaster module where all proceeds go directly to a military unit to assist them in purchasing equipment and additional training. Everyone who worked on this adventure...
  13. Ayrk

    Second Rat Games releases print version of People, Places, and Things: You are Here

    Second Rat Games is excited to announce that the first print run of People, Places, and Things: You are Here has arrived. This 80 page book contains 29 modern locations and floorplans chock full of plot hooks, regular customers, descriptions, impromptu weapons, and detailed maps. There is no...
  14. Ayrk

    Dumb Damage Reduction question

    I should know the answer to this but... An Enrinyes has Damage Reduction 5/good. So unless she is hit by a "good" weapon its damage is reduced by 5. Does this get trumped by magic weapons? By this I mean does a magic weapon automatically ignore damage reduction even if it is not "good"? The...
  15. Ayrk

    Second Rat Games releases People, Places, and Things: You are Here

    Second Rat Games is proud to present People, Places, and Things: You are Here. This system neutral sourcebook contains 29 modern locations and floorplans chock full of plot hooks, regular customers, descriptions, impromptu weapons, and detailed maps. In addition to all this, You are Here has...
  16. Ayrk

    Multishot / Rapid shot question

    Everytime I read this I change my mind. I have a player that will end of taking Multishot and Rapid Shot. Are the two feats mutually exclusive? That is, is it possible to use both feats at the same time? So if the Ranger normally gets one attack, using the Rapid Shot he gets one extra attack...
  17. Ayrk

    What's the appeal of Hackmaster

    Ok, on a previous thread it was pointed out that HackMaster was not just a very long running joke. So, what is it about HM that appeals to you? Is it all the silly races (gummy golems and gnome titans) or is it something deeper? Just curious. Thanks.
  18. Ayrk

    Ummm.... Farscape?

    Just curious if anyone has heard any kind of update on Farscape. The last message about it said available at the end of July. Anyone heard any new news?
  19. Ayrk

    d20 Gamma World?

    Does anybody out there know of a d20 conversion for Gamma World, I have the hankerin' for some post-apocalyptic gaming with giany bunnies and deadly robots. Thanks.