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Search results

  1. N

    More than one PC per player: Good or Bad?

    My group has come to the conclusion that it is OK for each player to run up to two PC's. We have 4 players plus one DM. We rotate DM's each adventure between the 3 players who like to DM. Whoever is DM'ing also runs a DMPC so that that character can blend in with the party on the next...
  2. N

    My first time DM'ing - Would KotS be good for a newb DM?

    Here's a question for you. In a regular gaming group of 4 people we have 2 DMs who alternate; each run a lengthy adventure/campaign and then switch. They both are very good at it although they run totally different style games. It seems though that at the conclusion of our current campaign (in a...
  3. N

    Why I like that POL has no map...

    I like that POL has no map because it helps promote discovery and it reinforces the sense of adventure that is inherent in D&D. Early maps produced by explorers of any ilk and era are limited to what could be seen or encountered by the adventuring party. The maps start out distorted and limited...
  4. N

    help searching story hour???

    Hi... I started story hour about a year ago and after a number of entries I got busy with other things, but now I can't find it anymore. I can't seem to "search" forums either. Any clues? It was called something like "the adventures of torvick tand" or somesuch...
  5. N

    The Travels of Torvick Tand

    This Story Hour is comprised of the first person journal of my PC Torvick Tand, a human Bard4/Rogue5. Torvick has come to life as a new character in a homebrew campaign being run by my friend Steve. The other players in this group are my friends Ken and Laszlo. Ken has been the primary DM for...