• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Grossout

    D&D 3E/3.5 4E/3E Combat Time Question...

    This is a very noob question, and I'm sure something like it has been discussed before, but I need to know: As someone who never played 3E, why did its rounds take so long? I hear that overall battle time in 4E is about equal to 3E, but in 3E you had very long, but fewer rounds. Why? Is it...
  2. Grossout

    Ending at level 21...

    I just have a feeling I wouldn't enjoy the Epic tier. It doesn't sound like my kind of game at all. That said, up through level 20 sounds awesome. I imagine once I get through Paragon, I'd want the campaign to end. This isn't a revelation, though. Even in Massawyrm's early review...
  3. Grossout

    DM Screen

    It seems like a lot of people have been running some 4E playtests, usually with good overall results. Most seem to mention something along the lines of DMing being pretty easy. With that in mind, I thought about the DM Screen that will be available shortly after launch. I'm greatly looking...
  4. Grossout

    Room Sizes...

    So what's the "average" size dungeon room going to be in 4E? It has been mentioned many times before that they are going to have to be bigger to accommodate for the expected 4 on 4 (or bigger) battles, and the emphasis on movement during battle. What do you think? The average room should be...
  5. Grossout

    Picture of the Core Rules Gift Set...

    I thought the PHB was supposed to be 100 more pages. It looks like about the same width as the DMG... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/0786950633/ref=dp_image_text_0?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books
  6. Grossout

    3 on 3 battle results...

    Just ran a one-man battle w/ 3 characters (ranger, fighter, wizard) v.s. 3 kobolds (skirmisher, dragon shield, slinger) for s***s and giggles. Keep in mind, there wasn’t a whole lot in the way of tactics/terrain. I just did what I thought each character might do in each situation. And it...
  7. Grossout

    Encounter question from an aspiring DM...

    After reading the rules appendix handout, character sheets, and monster stats that have all been posted recently, I'm starting to REALLY get amped for 4E. But I need some help. This is a serious post although I'm sure many of you are going to find it very amateurish. But for those who want to...
  8. Grossout

    A Question of Character...

    I’m a little surprised at how many players seem to be very “character-focused” when it comes to playing D&D. I know it’s an ROLE PLAYING GAME - just hear me out. First of all, assuming there are 8 core classes, and a couple/few “builds” of each, which if the Rogue preview is any indication...
  9. Grossout

    How Many Adventures Can We Expect...?

    Looking back at all of the 3E adventures - there really just aren't very many of them. These were pulled off the Wizards site, and while it does seem to be missing a few (Fantastic Locations, Expeditions), for the most part, these are all the adventures for D&D 3E. I included Forgotten Realms...
  10. Grossout

    Thoughts on worlds and planes...

    I don't post on here often, as I haven't "gamed" for years, but the more I read about 4E, the more excited I get. I bought both of the preview books and I thought they were pretty cool. But I just finished Worlds and Monsters and I think I've come to a general conclusion about what I dislike...
  11. Grossout

    Virtual Game Table and Published Adventures...

    If I buy "Keep on the Shadowfell", can I just punch in the code that comes with it and get a virtual map of the entire adventure online? Seems like that would be pretty sweet and would make online play really easy. Sorry if this has been answered before or if the answer itself should be obvious.
  12. Grossout

    D&D 4E Thoughts on 4E from an "Outsider"...

    I posted once or twice on this site about a year ago, trying to get advice on whether or not 3E was for me. Folks were generally very helpful with advice and insight, but the consensus was that it would be a good idea to pick up the starter box set (or whatever it was called) to give it a try...
  13. Grossout

    Generic question on movement & combat rules...

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I haven't played for many years. Never played 3E. Just looking over things about the rules, and noticed that I don't care for some of them. Generally everything w/ movement during combat seems to be so cumbersome...