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Search results

  1. Skyscraper

    D&D (2024) My wishes for 6e: less dark vision and spellcasting classes

    What I would love to see in the next version of D&D 6 is a much lower frequency of: 1) dark vision. The poor races that do not currently have it are at a disadvantage compared to the majority that have it. And in a dungeon, it's common for the party to have to light a torch for the human PC...
  2. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E House rule for fixed HP value at 2/3 HD value

    I'm contemplating the following house rule for flat hit points gained per level after the first. I'll ignore the rule that allows to roll HP values for the purposes of this thread, if you like rolling, that's fine - I do to, but I want to try fixed values and see what comes of it. The rule...
  3. Skyscraper

    Death and Storytelling

    What is your experience in reconciling PC death and storytelling? More detail on my question. RPG's usually have a random aspect to the cooperative storytelling, that regards combat and that determines whether, notably, PC's will survive or die in battle (or in other situations such as traps)...
  4. Skyscraper

    Optional Facing Rule: do you use it?

    Has anyone tried using the DMG's option Facing rule (DMG p. 252)? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
  5. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Would you help me with tonight's game session?

    Hello, I'm looking for inspiration for tonight's game session in a game I DM where the storyline writes itself as we go, based on a well-defined set premise. We're 8 sessions into the game, and I hope to have it last about 15, so I don't want to side-track the main plot in any significant way...
  6. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Do you use the flanking rule?

    Do you use the optional flanking rule from page 251 of the DMG? If so, how does it work for you? If not, why do you choose to disregard it?
  7. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Help with Storm King Thunder NPCs

    Hi everyone, I'll probably buy Storm King's Thunder shortly, but in the meantime I would like to have the race, class and level, with a possible very short battle proficiency description (say in half a dozen words or less), for each of the following NPCs, for the purpose of statting out these...
  8. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Creating combat encounters: looking for tips

    Hi, I've read the section on creating encounters, but I'm left wondering how much the XP budget and CR guides are actually useful in practice. I'm looking for comments and tips from those that have designed enough combat encounters to comment. For instance, are the easy medium hard deadly...
  9. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Player fudging: Destiny Points

    From the Do You Want Your DM to Fudge thread, Hussar provided the suggestion that moving the possibility of fudging into the players' hands with mechanics such as Bennies or Fate points, taken from other well-known RPGs, allows the players to avoid desastrous fates for their PCs. I think this...
  10. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Fudging: DM vs player preferences

    From the Do you fudge thread and the Do you want your DM to fudge thread, we get the following results as of today, rounded: Do you fudge: yes: 40% almost never: 40% no, never: 20% Do you want your DM to fudge: yes: 25% almost never 35% no, never: 40% This is pretty darn interesting. I'll...
  11. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Do you want your DM to fudge?

    In the Do you Fudge poll on Enworld, 4 out of 5 DMs admit to fudging rolls at least sometimes. Before you answer the question, please try not to consider how you play as a DM. Just think about you being a player at a gaming table, and about your or a random DM that rolls a die behind that...
  12. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Armor: damage reduction

    What would be the consequence of introducing the following additional rule concerning armor (that otherwise work as in the PHB): Light armor: damage reduction 1 vs percing, slashing and bludgeonning weapons Medium armor: damage reduction 2 vs percing, slashing and bludgeonning weapons; and all...
  13. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Removing save-each-turn mechanic

    I'm still toying with spellcasting houserules - per a few other threads I posted here, the feedback of which having been, honestly, quite simply great. As part of a few houserules that I'm considering (you can see my variant spellcasting thread if you want details), I was initially thinking...
  14. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Variant spellcasting

    Thank you to everyone who participated in this thread on limiting number of cantrips. Cool stuff. I'm now looking at implementing the following roster of house rules to spellcasting. I know this won't jive with many of you, and it's fine. I'm mainly looking for constructive feedback on these...
  15. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Spelless 5E paladin - have you played one?

    I'm considering a bunch of house rules to fit a certain flavor I'm looking to achieve, and I like the constructive feedback I can get on this forum regarding most of them. Now, I'm considering a spelless paladin class. I recognize that many players here would not like such a house rule...
  16. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Ditching concentration - did you do it?

    Hi :) I know this topic has been discussed before and my intent is not to discuss whether ditching concentration is a good idea or not, so please refrain from doing so here. I also recognize that many players here would not like such a house rule, and this is fine. I'm considering a bunch of...
  17. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Limiting use of cantrips - what are the consequences?

    Pursuant to another idea I posted here about increasing spell power by toying with the save-each-round mechanic for ongoing spell effects (such as paralysis), namely reducing the number of saves one gets, I'm now thinking about cantrips. More particularly, the flavor of unlimited cantrips is not...
  18. Skyscraper

    Alternate Ranger (simple)

    Chalk me in as another player dissatisfied with the PHB ranger. My main gripe is the flavor: I would prefer a non-spellcasting ranger. I also think that the beast companion limitations are clonky and make little sense: the beast companion won't attack on most rounds. Weird. The unearthed arcana...
  19. Skyscraper

    D&D 5E Increasing spell power

    I wish to get some feedback on a house rule idea, having only a few sessions of 5E actual gameplay experience (but plenty of RPG and other D&D experience). I find the "save at end of each turn" to be a bit too weak for non-damaging spells (such as hold person). I was thinking of perhaps...
  20. Skyscraper

    Dwarven Forge questions

    'm considering buying some dwarven forge products, in part because they look nice, and in part as a hobby to share with one of my kids, presently age 7. Questions, for those that have answers :) 1) Can you get reasonably enough stuff for under $100? I.e. enough to build, say, a small keep...