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Search results

  1. R

    Der Kluge's Wilderlands Campaign

    This is one PC's reflections on a series of adventures in Der Kluge's Wilderlands campaign. If you PLAY in this campaign, you are going to get insights into Stone that you might not want. Stop reading now if you don't want spoilers into my PC's drives and ambitions. In the spoiler block is...
  2. R

    Looking for one more Player to join the SRM!

    Oy! We are looking to add one more player to an on-going game (though we’ve really just begun). The caveat is you must be willing to play an arcane blaster, using only the Player’s Handbook to create your PC. The other caveat is that we need to know soon. The party will soon be at a point...
  3. R

    The Sea's Righteous Might

    Swift Rock Bay Swift Rock Bay is nestled in a natural harbor of volcanic rock, carved out by eons of storms and waves. The natural curvature of the bay provided the much desired protection from buffeting ocean waves for the original settlers, and the village grew to a town and then to a small...
  4. R

    Adventurers Found! Sea's Righteous Might Leaving Soon!

    While visiting the harbor city of Swift Rock Bay, you come across a job posting…. Wanted: Experienced Adventurers and Explorers to Join Expedition Team. New Land Masses discovered Far West of Kaddan! The Caldessan Cartographer’s Guild is accepting Applications for Scouts, Guides, and Guards...
  5. R

    Who ELSE buys PDFs?

    Okay so WE might buy PDF books, and some of US might be interested in WotC's Complete Warrior as a PDF book, but who else would? I mean, we've already established in numerous other threads that ENWorlders are a select few, when compared to the vast majority of gamers. We're "in the know," so...
  6. R

    praise or scorn for the Complete Arcane Warlock?

    Oy! I've got a player very keen on playing a warlock, from Complete Arcane. He's described the class to me over the phone and I doubt very much I'll have any problems with his character (and it opens up some interesting possibilties IMC,), but I don't yet have the book and its going to be a...
  7. R

    Need more tCBoEM Spellsongs!

    Oy! I am wondering if anyone has created new/unique spell notes/chords/melodies to use with Monte's Bard variant. I could make some, but that'd take time, of which I am very short :) I've got a party comprised almost entirely of bards and rogues, and I'm hoping to offer them some alternatives...
  8. R

    How to do a "low" economy game?

    Hey all. (if this thread has already been talked to death, feel free to point me to it) We're starting a new campaign this weekend, and one of the things still bothering me is the vast disparity between the wealth of PC adventureres and everybody else in the world. We've all heard about how...
  9. R

    Vin Diesel, Dame Judi Dench, and D&D [MINOR riddick spoilers]

    came across this at scifi wire: http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2004-05/26/14.30.film Pasted here: Vin Diesel, who reprises his most famous role in the upcoming SF epic film The Chronicles of Riddick, told SCI FI Wire that he personally lobbied to get Judi Dench to take a role in...
  10. R

    Help with Single Player Games

    Hey EN Worlders! I'm visiting a friend this weekend, and we're talking about playing some D&D. Its just the two of us though, and I wanted some advice from y'all. 1-- does anyone know of any good commercially available (PDFs, preferably) single player adventures? Just the DM and a single PC...
  11. R

    [Movie] Tsiu Hark's Vampire Hunters [possible spoilers]

    Heya. Anyone seen this yet? I kinda liked they way they portrayed the vampire king as nearly unkillable and absurdly powerful. That was fun. I don't know a lot about Chinese mythology as it relates to undead, though. What was the deal with the scrolls tacked on to the heads of the...
  12. R

    Spycraft + BtVS + Cthulhu + Buckaroo = who needs d20 modern?

    Don't know about you, but I think its a good time to be a gamer:) I've been pouring over my Spycraft books and my Cthulhu book, and it occured to me that we've got some awesome tools to create a vast menagerie of our favorite fantasy/sci fi settings.... Spycraft can easily be tweaked to create...
  13. R

    Atlas' Name That Critter Contest

    Oy, I just noticed the errata stating the monster description needs to be for a 5x15 ft. critter, yet I do not see any amendments to the .rtf file describing the contest that this is in fact a truth. Is it so? I'll need to resend my entry, for sure. Hell, I'll have to change the whole thing...
  14. R

    What material do you NOT allow? or how do you screen?

    A related question to what other books you use is what other books you allow, or DO NOT allow, your players to use. For my group, anything that comes out of the PB is fair game, but if they want to use any other feats or spells that appear in ANY other book, they have to pay time/gold to train...