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Search results

  1. greatamericanfolkher

    Gen Event Reg podcast episode

    I'm one of the hosts of UnderDiscussion and due to some listener requests this year we've put together an episode for suggestions for Gen Con Event Registration.
  2. greatamericanfolkher

    UnderDiscussion is Live From Gen Con!

    This week is UnderDiscussion's annual coverage of the Best Four Days of Gaming! Interviews, first impressions, reviews and more! No only are we releasing an episode every day from the convention to cover all the gaming we can but we're also starting off with our world famous, fan demanded...
  3. greatamericanfolkher

    UnderDiscussion's First Look at Dungeons & Dragons 5e

    This we take a first look at the latest edition of Dungeons & Dragons!
  4. greatamericanfolkher

    UD154: AltHistory: What if the Cold War Never Happened?

    This week on UnderDiscussion: Unchecked America What if the bombs weren't ready in time? What if the generals got their wish? What if colonialism never ended? What of Russia hadn't been an issue for the US after World War 2. This week we discuss an alternate universe of Art Deco-Punk post-war...
  5. greatamericanfolkher

    UD153: The Dungeon Draft!

    From locations and minions all the way up to the boss and the shiny rewards inside, this week UnderDiscussion is drafting their top picks for designing a dungeon! After the draft we each detail how we’d run our drafted creations. With Pulp Fantasy, cyberpunk, traditional fantasy, and...
  6. greatamericanfolkher

    UnderDiscussion is Live from GenCon

    This week UnderDiscussion is podcasting every day from The Best Four Days in Gaming! We kicked off everything Monday with our Tips and Advice for the con. Today we posted the annual GenCon Car-Cast. Fan favorite, fan demanded, always fun. This year we embark extra early on the magical quest...
  7. greatamericanfolkher

    UnderDiscussion Podcasting from GenCon 2012

    For the third year in a row UnderDiscussion: The Undergopher Podcast will be recording "live" from GenCon. We'll be putting out a new episode every day of the Con, we've lined up some interviews, and we're excited to be hosting our first seminar this year about starting your own podcast...
  8. greatamericanfolkher

    UnderDiscussion: The UndergopherPodcast

    On this week’s exciting episode of UnderDiscussion WDR and I are joined by Hooligan, Slacker, Nockergeek, Hida Man, and new guest Jolly Rodgers for a discussion of the d20 system. What d20 is (and what it isn’t), Pathfinder (long time listeners will of course be shocked at that), D&D through...
  9. greatamericanfolkher

    Contest from UnderDiscussion

    As announced in UnderDiscussion 44 the Undergophers are giving away a Game Science d20 for the first annual Young Wallace Memorial Award for Excellence in Jerk Game Mastery (Thanks to a listener suggestion, these will be referred to in short as the Wallies). We're looking for people to send in...
  10. greatamericanfolkher

    First anniversary episode of UnderDiscussion and a Contest

    Hay folks, I just wanted to announce that today UnderDiscussion: the Undergopher podcast turns one year old and to celebrate we're having a contest to give away one of the basic sets of IronDie metal d6's! All of the info on how to enter is in the episode so give it a listen for your chance to win!
  11. greatamericanfolkher

    Asking for your help/your opinions

    I co-host an RPG/tabletop podcast and I'm trying to decide which episode is the "must listen" RPG episode. I've narrowed it down to four episodes that I think really exemplify the podcast but I can't decide from there. I was hoping that you all could go here and give me your opinions of the...
  12. greatamericanfolkher

    Sid Sackson podcast

    We recently sat down with with Grey Endres who is currently working on a book about legendary game designer Sid Sackson to discuss Sid and his contributions to the board gaming world. Check it out here!
  13. greatamericanfolkher

    Sneak like a Ninja Day at RPGnow

    Is it just me, or are there fewer items that you want to pick up compared to the Talk like a Pirate Day sale? Is it just that the Ninja theme is narrower and there would be fewer products or are Pirates just that much more popular?
  14. greatamericanfolkher

    Puerto Rico (Forked from: [Board Games] Settlers of Catan)

    Forked from: [Board Games] Settlers of Catan I have to say that Puerto Rico is one of the better games I've never won. I've just never been able to try a strategy that someone else hasn't also decided to try, and as a result I'm always in a rush to get vital buildings or crops before someone...