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  1. A

    What are the good systemless RPG advice blogs these days?

    I was wondering what the good RPG advice blogs for GMs/DMs are these days. Here's examples of the sort of thing I'm thinking of: - Angry GM: theangrygm.com - Run a Game: runagame.blogspot.com And also, though it's not advice so much as just really good inspiration: - Trilemma Adventures...
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    D&D 5E Source of maps in back of 5e DMG?

    Among the many cool things in the new DMG, one of them is the set of cool maps towards the end of the book. Does anyone know where they come from? Were they published in previous adventures from older editions? I'm particularly interested in the Bhaal-themed map on p312 if anyone knows. Thanks!
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    Proposed House Rule: Removing Class Skill List Restriction

    A house rule I'm considering for future 4e games. Observation: In most cases (IMO), most of the skills in which a PC gets training are attained at 1st level. Because these skills form the basis of the character's non-combat identity, they are an important if not the most important means by...
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    Realistic Female NPC Resources

    Hello Enworlders, I am designing a female NPC for a 4e minicampaign I am preparing, and I want her to be a realistic or at least non-asinine portrayal of how a woman would actually behave, and how aspects of her background might affect her differently than if she were a man. I am not female...
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    PEACH: the Great Equalizer

    Hello Enworlders, A random thought for a houserule, wanted to see what folks thought. Presented in a form here. The basic goal is to be able to fashion an "okay" encounter out of an overly easy or difficult one on the fly. The key is to recognize it early, and kick the Equalizer into effect...
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    New DC Table, based on level 1 DCs and DM Screen

    Hello Enworlders, In the grand tradition of Jhaelen, I've gone back to try to create a full table of the new Skill DCs by level table. I also have the benefit of seeing the 1st Level DCs, from Philip Reed at GM Oracle. Combined with the DCs for levels 6-30, which we know from WotC. I looked...
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    Rules Question - Retraining

    Hey all, so say I am interested in making a multi-class only class, such as the Spell-scarred (from the FRPG) or Noble (from Alea Publishing Group). Sorry if I missed others that are out there. Each multi-class only class has a full 1st-to-29th level array of powers. My question I guess is...
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    Get more utility from retraining

    Hi all you very helpful humans and demi-humans - had a house rule I wanted to run by everyone and get feedback. Basically, I decided that it's very odd that PCs get all these attack powers and so few utilities. To fix that without giving PCs more powers overall (and creating balance...