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Search results

  1. The Cardinal

    A new setting contest?

    With 4E coming up: 1. Would you like to see a new setting contest, like the one that gave us Eberron (and Dawnforge, Urbis, etc.)? 2. Would you (again?) participate in such a contest?
  2. The Cardinal

    Awesome thread on rpg.net: To kill a dungeon...

    It seems no one has mentioned this thread from rpg.net around here: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=345265 ...pure awesome!
  3. The Cardinal

    Plot & Logistics: Transporting a certain artifact...

    my players may soon aquire a Sphere of Annihilation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/artifacts.htm#sphereofAnnihilation) - they already have a Talisman of the Sphere, though they don't know it yet. Question Since the dungeon they're currently in is on top of a mountain about 150-200 miles...
  4. The Cardinal

    "Present" for a Rogue (L7) vs. Golems???

    Quick: What feat or magical item could be used by a 7th level Rogue who will soon need to combat some constructs??????????????? Only WotC sources!
  5. The Cardinal

    Advice on a Dragon Shaman (PHB II) character...

    What's the best race to pick for a player who rolled the following starting abilities 9,11,16,16,16,15 and wants to play a Dragon Shaman (PHB II) - to be build at level 5 (=10,000 XPs)? Races may come from WotC: core books "Complete" MMII Fiend Folio BoED BoVD Dragonomicon Libris Mortis...
  6. The Cardinal

    Urgent: "Catpeople"-Race needed!!!

    What good "cat people" races for D&D3.x are out there? Especially races without racial hit dice, and with a Level Adjustment of +0 or +1??? In which book (or better: website) can they be found?
  7. The Cardinal

    Planet Design Question: Continental Shape & Climate...

    To those with some geological/metereological knowledge: Earth-like planet: Imagine two enormous continental plates, which were joined at one time into one large supercontinent, but have been slowly moving apart in east-west direction for a few milion years, thus creating a titantic north-south...
  8. The Cardinal

    Spells for a Favoured Soul in the Scarred Lands?

    What would be your selection of spells (at least for the first few levels) for a Favoured Soul in the Scarred Lands setting? He's a human from Shelzar, alignment TN, and his god is Nemorga. Attributes at level 1 are: 16/13/14/12/13/20 (Books: all WotC core, incl. "Complete", all Scarred Lands)
  9. The Cardinal

    AWESOME Idea from rpg.net...

    ...read this thread from rpg.net: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=219100
  10. The Cardinal

    G4 Fantasy preview: IT MUST BE MINE!

    Here's a sneak preview pdf of the upcoming GURPS Fantasy...
  11. The Cardinal

    Who will visit the Spiel '04?

    Spiel'04 ...were I will probably have my own little booth this year... ;) Well? Who's gonna come?
  12. The Cardinal

    D&D 4E The new & improved GURPS 4e covers are up...

    http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/basic/ http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/basic/img/basic1_lg.jpg http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/basic/img/basic2_lg.jpg
  13. The Cardinal

    D&D 4E GURPS 4e - official contest: new covers sought!

  14. The Cardinal

    Dice Math - what are the chances for these rolls?

    maybe somebody around here will be so nice and calculate the probabilities for the following dice rolls for me: (A) When rolling 4D5 (i.e. the added results of 4 six-sided dice, each numbered from 0-5) or 4d6-4 - what are the chances to roll at or below...
  15. The Cardinal

    I thought Midnight was great...

    ...until I saw Dawnforge. Buy it. Now. Yes. It's that good. ...yesterday my players created PCs for my first Dawnforge campaign: the demand was overwhelming - EIGHT players! I offered them two different campaigns, but they were so excited about the setting and the characters that they...
  16. The Cardinal

    What is your favorite character or party activity in a game?

    ...some settings are way cool and earn much praise, but they neglect to tell the potential players what to do in this particular world (e.g. Blue Planet) - others are pretty straightforward in presenting one or two "main activities" for players characters (Shadowrun, Midnight, Werewolf...
  17. The Cardinal

    Dawnforge news?

    Anything? When will it be published? What support books are planned? Will there be a preview available soon? Will the FFG crew at the Spiel 03 have any new info on this? Will there be changes to core classes and the magic system (like in Midnight)?
  18. The Cardinal

    What is YOUR pirate setting?

    So, with all this "talk like a pirate day" stuff going on, what are YOUR takes on a pirate setting? Realistic and historical? Fantasy pirates without cannons and flintlocks? Space pirate? Or what? Here's my take (for a mini-campaign) Rains of Mana It's 1702. 20 years ago a great comet appeared...
  19. The Cardinal

    Idea: How to sell adventures...

    the discussion on "Why adventures sell/don't sell/should sell/etc" gave me an idea: how about adventure books? This would be softcover books with 5-9 complete adventures in them, all with the following features: - maximum plug-and-play, i.e. no setting specific stuff, no campaign-breaking...