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  1. L

    I Want to do Everthing - The Half Elf Bard

    (Disclaimer: I'm at work currently, this will all be theory until I get back to my books.) With my copy of the Player's Handbook 2 in shipment, and my subscription to the D&D Insider renewed, I now have a serious desire to play a Bard. But, not just any Bard. A true dabbler, testing the...
  2. L

    Question on Tactics (Thunderspire Spoilers)

    At the end of the fights in the Well of Demons, the players enter into a combat with Malderik Scarmaker (At least I think that's his name, I don't have my book open at the moment). Scarmaker has several allies in the fight, and the terrain is riddles with bubbling cauldrons (which are noted as...
  3. L

    Enemies With Magical Weapons

    In several encounters in the published modules (Thunderspire, Demon Queen's Enclave), enemies are carrying magical weapons that are listed in their "inventory" and whose bonuses are typically factored into the attack line. However, while the end villain in Demon Queen's Enclave has the weapon...
  4. L

    Thunderspire: Ex[eriences?

    Now that my group has finished running through the Keep on the Shadowfell (with some minor portions they have missed pushed back and scheduled to make appearances later on), I was curious if anyone has finished with Thunderspire, and had any issues/thoughts/suggestions on how things played out...
  5. L

    KotS Monster Count?

    I know it was posted here earlier, but would someone please link me to the post that has the monster count for KotS? I can't seem to find it, and am planning on doing some miniature shopping this weekend. Thanks!