• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. F

    Help with 17th century Europe adventure plots!

    Hey guys. Soon I will be running a campaign set in 17th century Europe. The campaign will have a horror/paranormal feel but it won't break our natural laws, maybe only exaggerate them. What I mostly need help with is creating the weird horror within natural laws, but still make it almost...
  2. F

    Flint&Steel RPG Starter Edition

    After a lot of hard work, my friends and I have prepared a starter for our game Flint&Steel. Our rules are based on 3.5 d20 system, but almost every part of the game got modified. In the starter edition of our game we wanted to present our ideas and mechanics for combat, health, our new magic...
  3. F

    (Poll) Metric or Imperial

    I'm working on a starter edition of my game and I don't know if I should use metric or imperial system for measurements. I personally use the metric system but hopefully I'm not the only one who is going to play it. -I'm sorry if there were threads such as this one before, I wasn't able to...
  4. F

    Fun vs. a Good Run

    The point of gaming is to have fun and that is always a top goal. If you had a fun night it doesn't mater what rules you've been using, what setting and what was the quest about. Still, we as a game masters sometimes spend a lot of time preparing NPCs, stories and combat encounters. For us...
  5. F

    Player want to be an animal

    One of my players keeps bugging me to allow him to play an animal. I allowed it once for a one-session-adventure to play some kind of a war hound and he loved it. We made him some special bite attacks and he would assist the party mostly as a distraction for the guards. I remember that they...
  6. F

    Flint&Steel RPG

    Hello guys. For a long time my friends and I wanted to publish our game, Flint&Steel. As many others we are turning you for help and we have launched our own Kickstarter. So please check out our page and find out more about our game. If you have any questions, we can use this topic for a open...
  7. F

    Trying out new systems

    Hey all, I was just wondering, how often do you embark on a quest to find out, try out new systems? Do you like to try out new systems or modifications? I ask mainly because I do not have a habit of doing it and I wonder if I'm missing out. Ever since I "perfected" d20 for me and my players I...