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Search results

  1. D

    Paralympics 2004: UK going for Gold!

    Has anyone else been watching the Paralympics (Parallel Olympics) on TV? UK has got 2 Golds so far and it is only the opening day. I will admit to having a personal interest as one of the Golds was won by my non-gaming Brother!!!! :D We did badly in the basketball and shooting though :(
  2. D

    New Urban Arcana Web-Enchancement

    A bunch of NPC's for your games. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20modern/article/20030918a
  3. D

    d20 Modern Errata and QA Update available

    Just to let you know that the latest version of the Errata and QA files are available for downlaod from my website in TXT, PDF or HTML format (http://www.otherniceman.net/archives/downloads.html) As per peoples requests I have cut down on whitespace in the files, reducing the combined Errata +...
  4. D

    The Return of Blakes 7

    Apparently Paul Darrow (Avon) has brought the rights to Blakes 7 and is currently trying to put togther a new TV mini-series. See http://www.blakes7.com for more details. Also there is supposed to be the DVD's coming out soon, at last I can see the final episode. The only episode I ever...
  5. D

    d20 Modern Fanzine

    Greetings One And All! As some of you may have undoubtedly noticed by now, as most of you frequent either the WoTC d20 Modern Board, or the d20 Modern Yahoo Group, there is a new Fanzine coming soon to a website near you At any rate, I must first introduce the Fanzine Staff: Vince "Kalan"...
  6. D

    UA: Coming Soon to the UK

    I have just checked Esdeviums site and UA is now showing as available Week Commmencing 19th May. Most shops get their gaming ordering in on a Wednesday, so expect to see it towards the end of the week.
  7. D

    [OT] Position Available: Interpreter, must be fluent in Klingon.

    From CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/West/05/10/offbeat.klingon.interpreter/index.html
  8. D

    FAQ and Errata May Update

    The following files are now available for download from http://www.otherniceman.net PDF; Errata, FAQ, Combined Errata and FAQ TXT; Errata, FAQ, Combined Errata and FAQ HTML; Errata, FAQ, Combined Errata and FAQ ZIP; Errata, FAQ, Combined Errata and FAQ in all the above formats The current...
  9. D

    d20 Modern FAQ PDF

    Version 1.0 of the FAQ is now available for download as a pdf from my website. This is based on a file supplied by Charles Ryan. The next step is to merge it with the FAQ Thread. The FAQ is split into the d20 Modern Chapters, where I think a response could relate to more than one chapter I have...
  10. D

    d20 Modern Errata available for download

    Version 1.0 of the downloadable errata is available on my website http://www.otherniceman.net. Currently avilable in PDF, ASCII text and a zip file containing both. FAQ is being worked on at the moment and will probably be up sometime Easter monday. Happy Holidays.
  11. D

    Urbana Arcana Board up at WoTC

    WoTC have set up a seperate board for Urbana Arcana http://boards.wizards.com/community-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=293
  12. D

    Errata Formats

    Easter is almost here and the Errata and FAQ is well on the way to being finished. The question is, what formats do you want it in? I have put up a poll on my website (http://www.otherniceman.net), follow the link to polls and you'll be there.
  13. D

    d20 Modern Errata Update

    I have just posted an update to the d20 Modern Errata over on the WoTC boards http://boards.wizards.com/community-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=291;t=002414#000000 I am still on track to have a combined Errata / FAQ PDF available for Easter.
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    Just to let you know I have just posted the start of the compiled errata over on the WoTC boards. http://boards.wizards.com/community-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=291;t=002414#000000
  15. D

    Farscape Final Episode - Bad Timing (Warning Spoilers)

    Final ever Farscape epidsode has just finished here in the UK. All I am going to say is: What a Cliffhanger!
  16. D

    d20 Modern Sighted in the UK...

    ... in my bookcase! Managed to leave work early today (skipped lunch) and just managed to get to the book shop before they shut.
  17. D

    d20 Modern Coming to the UK

    Good News Esdevium (http://www.esdevium.co.uk) WoTC UK distributor has d20 modern (RRP 26.99) as available from 12th November. Wish it was today though.
  18. D

    d20 Modern Unofficial FAQ

    Just to let you know I have updated the FAQ. It has now been moved to the top of the d20 Modern on Wizards Site (http://boards.wizards.com/community-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=291) Have Fun