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Search results

  1. R

    Beastmaster ranger: No scaling = / = no fun

    Gripe: Magical weapons keep you scaled. Animal companion dont get them. So its dumb to take the At-Will one predatory strike This bothers me, anyone have relevant information?
  2. R

    Alchemy > Ritual Caster

    http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/4ex/20080814b Does anyone agree that Alchemy trumps rituals? With the PHB having 32 pages explaining combat mechanics, and 112 pages describing powers (w/ 95% being combat related), why would you take ritual caster over Alchemy? Because I like...
  3. R

    a Treatise in Stealth

    Seeing the RSS feed each day, I have noticed that above all things people are confused about stealth mechanics. I think we should sort this out. I'm going to list the entire stealth excerpt and we are going to make this clear to everyone. Firstly, I posted what is in the PHB regarding...
  4. R

    LFG; Sarasota Fl 4th edition d+d

    Hi, I'm looking to play some 4th edition d+d, and make some friends in the process. If you are interested please hit me up at whatever87654321@yahoo.com I'm laid back. I like all aspects of the game. I can DM if necessary, but i'm enjoying just being a player atm. If you are part of an...