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Search results

  1. Zad

    Zad/Wizardru's Story Hour (*final update 11/12*)

    Zad/Wizardru’s Story Hour Prologue Greetings! And welcome to the new story hour! Some of you are new readers, while others are surely coming here based on your enjoyment (I hope) of the old story hour. Wizardru’s Story Hour (a.k.a. The Savage Sword of Meepo) chronicled a campaign that spanned...
  2. Zad

    Soulknives and DR?? How?

    We're looking at starting an Eberron campaign soon and I was kicking around some character ideas. And I got started looking at the Soulknife class. And in analyzing it, it seems groovy. It has some ups and downs, and that's ok. And it has a definite place in Eberron. But then it hit me... What...
  3. Zad

    Blank page returned for viewing a post

    I'm trying to look at the first page of a story hour post and just getting nothing back. http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=99&page=1 Any ideas why this might be happening?
  4. Zad

    Error dialogs on WYSIWYG editor

    Am I the only one that's getting these error boxes all the time? When I'm using the WYSIWYG editor, if I mouse over the tool bar or go over certain formatted text, I get an error dialog box popping up. A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you wish to debug? Line: 96 Error: 'istyles[...].0' is...
  5. Zad

    Hardness/Hit points of epic magic items

    I was going through the ELH and was surprised that there was no particular mention of the hardness or hit points of epic magic items. It seems pretty reasonable to me that such items would be much harder to destroy than their non-epic counterparts, but there was no real mention. Have I missed...
  6. Zad

    Post subjects not updating on edit

    I just went to do the usual post of the story hour then change the subject of the thread to reflect the updated date. (Wizardru's story hour if you want the specific one) but the thread title did not update, even though the individual post has the updated subject. Not sure what to think on...
  7. Zad

    Mighty Composite bows that adjust their bonus

    There are two bows in the books that magically adjust the amount of "mighty-ness" to the strength bonus of the user. One is the elven greatbow, in the Epic Level handbook. The other is the Bow of Mighty Pulling in Arms and Equipment. With 3.0, it never really was a big deal - you could use a...
  8. Zad

    Confused - subject line edits (complete with edit)

    I'm confused. In the Story Hour forum, it's become common practice to update the subject of the original post to include a "date updated" so readers know when the story got added to, as opposed to just folks posting on the thread. I did this today, but the change in the subject of the first...
  9. Zad

    Someone please explain See Invisible

    We went to look up something with See Invisiblity the other day and got quite a rude surprise. I'm hoping someone can explain this. From the SRD: See Invisibility Divination Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: Cone...
  10. Zad

    Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

    Introduction For this board, it's Wizardru's Story Hour. But internally we call the campaign The Savage Sword of Meepo Didn't start that way of course, but it didn't take long before it was. Part way through the Forge of Fury if I recall. So on behalf of all the players, welcome to our...