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Search results

  1. Mazlo

    Lansing, MI - 3.5 D&D Looking for Players

    I'm putting together a new group and campaign. Please let me know if you're interested. Where: Evolution Games, at least initially. I am not opposed to playing elsewhere (e.g. someone's home) at some point in the future but that's a point for future discussion, if desired. When: Initially...
  2. Mazlo

    Looking for Raven Crowking's Faerie Encounters (Found)

    The link to Raven Crowking's Faerie Encounters post is broken in both his signature and personal website. I didn't see it in the archives and I was wondering if anyone might have saved this gem of a post and would mind re-posting it here. Thanks in advance, Mazlo
  3. Mazlo

    [Lansing MI] Player/DM seeks Group/Players

    I will be looking to join a group in January. (For those concerned about such things: I am 26 and familiar with D&D3.0/3.5 and M&M although I'm fine with learning other systems too.) Failing that, I will be looking to start a group - probably playing at Evolution Games to start. Please...
  4. Mazlo

    [Ptolus] Gauging Interest in a PbP Game

    I didn't see any other Ptolus threads or games so I figured I would start one and see if there was anyone who was interested in running a Ptolus game and others who were also interested in playing in one. I would be interested in a playing in a play-by-post game set in Ptolus. I am open to any...
  5. Mazlo

    ENWorld Gamestore Link To Us Banner Spelling Error

    There is a spelling error in the banner provided on the "Link to Us" page. http://shop.enworld.org/index.php?do=linktous "Fast Freindly Service" should be "Fast Friendly Service" --Mazlo
  6. Mazlo

    Lansing,MI - Biweekly Friday Ptolus/Banewarrens D&D 3.5 seeking a player or two

    As of 6/16/06, I am running a D&D 3.5 game set in Monte Cook's Ptolus campaign setting. The group is currently 4th/5th level and I plan on running the Banewarrens once the party hits 6th level. The group currently has 5 players (plus myself) but it is not uncommon for one person to be...
  7. Mazlo

    Trapfinding Feats

    I was thinking about changing the Rogue's Trapfinding ability into a feat so that other classes could find traps. I KNOW I'm not the first person to think of this but I wanted to see if folks thought this was balanced. After looking at the class skill list, I considered that since no one has...
  8. Mazlo

    Ease of Folding Grey Citadel into the Banewarrens/Ptolus?

    Just a quick question for those who are familiar with Necromancer Games' "The Grey Citadel" adventure and Malhavoc Press' "The Banewarrens" and Monte Cook's Ptolus setting (as presented in the Banewarrens adventure and old posts of his original campaign journal.) Also, apologies to anyone who...
  9. Mazlo

    Contacting Talon Comics

    To Derek of Talon Comics, On August 11 I ordered two of Fiery Dragon Production's counters, specifically Counter Collection 1: The Usual Suspects and Counter Collection 2. I have yet to receive these products from you. I have since sent you two e-mails inquiring to my order's status. I have...
  10. Mazlo

    Constructing a Mystery (Ptolus, The Banewarrens, and Assasin's Guilds)

    Every campaign I run I like to put a little something special for my players' characters... I suppose its in exchange for making them work hard on their characters' roleplaying concepts. I've got everything nailed down except for one character. On the party: We're not to Ptolus yet... Running...