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  1. Trickstergod

    dogs are defenders; cats are strikers

    I can't play a dog striker? That's rough.
  2. Trickstergod

    Tell Me About M&M

    That's not really a problem with the system, though - Power Level is set by the Offensive and Defensive caps. If a character has a +8 to hit and damage with their Blast power, that character is a PL 8 Offensively. If that same character only has a +6 to their Defense and Toughness saves, they're...
  3. Trickstergod

    Evil or not?

    Mal's quite firmly in the Neutral camp. Probably right-square at True Neutral. Potentially even leaning towards Good, considering how often he gets tripped over things like, oh...rescueing hapless girls, returning much needed medicine, only stealing from those that can really afford it, all of...
  4. Trickstergod

    How frequent are dragon encounters in your game?

    Rarely. Out of a 6 or so year old campaign, I think I only used dragons 3-5 times out of the entire game. Fighting a dragon should be A Big Frickin' Deal. I didn't use the first dragon up until the party was around 10-12th level. Little pissant dragons are not satisfying; I don't think they...
  5. Trickstergod

    Forked Thread: What is wrong with Return of the Jedi

    Well, yeah. This is because fanboys are dumb. The nature of Fett's demise is one of the better parts of the film. I take nothing but joy in seeing a hyper-competent bad-*** get humiliated. The silly ghosts go back to Empire. The music does not a bad movie make.
  6. Trickstergod

    Non-Magic CCGs

    A Game of Thrones: This is the one I really wish I had a play group for. Even forgetting about the novels the game's licensed from, it has some solid game play. The game's still kicking around, but it apparently hasn't sold quite so well as it had in previous years. Jyhad (Vampire: The Eternal...
  7. Trickstergod

    HBO Greenlights Martin's A Game of Thrones

    Right! Forgot Big Love. Bill Paxton easily outdoes the two I mentioned. And, yeah - agreed on the talent. I especially like seeing them pop up elsewhere. Though I had to hang my head and sigh a bit when I saw Marlo in the Max Payne ads. Step down, that. Though I suppose most anything is a step...
  8. Trickstergod

    Does Your Heather Have Two Mommies?

    And it also doesn't grant you the visual or olfactory abilities of the new form, despite the fact that, by all rights, the new form's nose and eyes should all be exactly the same as an ordinary specimen of the assumed form. Yeah, a case could be made that the spell turns you into a sexually...
  9. Trickstergod

    Does Your Heather Have Two Mommies?

    Technically, Alter Self doesn't seem to specify whether it's possible or not. Considering the change isn't pervasive enough to give you low-light vision if you turn yourself into an elf, I'd also say it isn't pervasive enough to give you a womb or fertile semen. I am aware that changelings...
  10. Trickstergod

    HBO Greenlights Martin's A Game of Thrones

    Jaime was 15 when he joined the Kingsguard and it was 2 years later when he killed Aerys. As I recall, the series takes place 14 years after Robert's victory - that'd put Jaime and Cersei at around 31 come the series start. And, so far, most of the actors mentioned thus far are too old or...
  11. Trickstergod

    How heroic should a PC be?

    What's easier, fiddling with every low-level beasty to make it more of a challenge or having the option to start 3 levels lower? I'd rather 4th edition gave us the 1st level nobody and then stated that 4th level is the default starting level.
  12. Trickstergod

    How heroic should a PC be?

    This. While I generally preferred starting my previous editions games off at around 2-5th level, I like at least the option of starting them as relatively unimpressive nobodies one sword's blow away from death. 4th lacks that option and I think that's a problem.
  13. Trickstergod

    The Superhero Movie equivalent to "odd-numbered Star Trek movies"

    I just scanned the top 15 or so - and it's a poor sign when even the top 15 can barely put together anything all that noteworthy or that isn't otherwise debatable. ZOMG, Fett went out like a punk! So what? The various "coincidences"? Not all that hard to believe. Jabba? Looked great. What...
  14. Trickstergod

    The Superhero Movie equivalent to "odd-numbered Star Trek movies"

    Return has one flaw: the ewoks. It is otherwise eminently superior to the first Star Wars film, which is only marginally better than the prequels.
  15. Trickstergod

    Spiderman 4 and 5....

    Not really, no. Then again, I didn't really care about the Spider-Man movies the first three times around. Decent but ultimately cheesy fares the first couple times around, not even that the third time.
  16. Trickstergod

    Alan Moore still hates Hollywood

    It is not and never will be Zach Snyder's work, though. It is, plain and simple, Alan Moore's. Moore's right is the fact that it's his work that's being put up on the screen. He has every right to criticize. That he's criticizing before so much as seeing the movie or bothering to see it is...
  17. Trickstergod

    Deva or Aasimar?

    This. At least one of the things that irks me about 4th edition is the rather arbitrary, unnecessary name swaps - particularly when a new or renamed monster is taking the name that some other monster had. I like the eladrin, but was it really necessary to call them eladrin? The same here...
  18. Trickstergod

    And the new Catwoman is ...

    Ra's wasn't exactly overtly "mwahaha"-evil like, either. This isn't entirely true. Nyssa, for example, is just fine. The new Ventriloquist is no more or less ridiculous than the original one. Then there's Talia, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman, all of whom are respectable enough. Harley's not too...
  19. Trickstergod

    DMs: Do you tell players the DC before they roll?

    Not generally, no. If it's a set DC the players are more than welcome to look it up in the book and I'll just let them know if there are extenuating circumstances that may make the DC different than what it would normally be. Otherwise, I just describe it in terms of difficulty or just...
  20. Trickstergod

    And the new Catwoman is ...

    Talia would only think this if she were a complete and utter twit, considering how well it worked for her father. Particularly since Batman's not any closer to corruption than, well, he ever really has been.