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  1. IanArgent

    When Do You Actually Roll Initiative & Clumping?

    Not directly relevant, but I begin each session by asking the players to roll initiative, which I then record for later use. After each combat encounter, I have them re-roll. (Note that no character has powers that play with the results of the initiative roll, or roll twice and pick best, etc)...
  2. IanArgent

    Sacred Cows for any edition

    Class/level-based system, stats based on the 3-18 curve, Hit Points, Armor Class, polyherdral dice with an emphasis on the D20.
  3. IanArgent

    Remebering blast vs burst

    I remember it this way: buRsts have Radius, bLasts have Length. (IE, a Burst 3 is 3 squares from the origin in each direction, a blast 3 is 3 squares along each side).
  4. IanArgent

    [Star Wars] Out ESB...ESB???

    And I'm pretty sure the initial attacks on the Taliban in 2002 were spearheaded by special forces on horseback with laser guidance units and radios.
  5. IanArgent

    Forked Thread: What game systems have character generators? (focus slightly changed)

    The "character" generator I wish I could have had was for Car Wars. I wrote up one in Quattro Pro, but never got it to work quite right. I *did* get my Renegade Legions design sheets working, though. And of course there's Heavy Metal for Battletech.
  6. IanArgent

    Where can I find Bard At-Will CUTTING WORDS?

    And is in the compendium. Even if you're not a subscriber, you can see the source of the power.
  7. IanArgent

    Suggest an RPG (not D&D)

    I'm going to come out of left field and say Shadowrun. As long as you can spin the plot, prep is easier that D&D4. The power curve can be pretty flat and still have meaningful character advancement.
  8. IanArgent

    WotC weekend promo

    off the cuff - I would guess 30 cards; probably with a theme
  9. IanArgent

    Immediate Saving Throws and Failed Save Powers

    It's in the online eratta/FAQ as well
  10. IanArgent

    Making Rituals Permanent by Spending Healing Surges for a Year

    MAkes perfect sense to me - as Mustrum said; reduce your healing surges per day by one and ask the GM when a year is over. Yet another case of "when is 4E Earthdawn coming" to me.
  11. IanArgent

    Local Game Store Tour

    By any chance is Ye Olde Hobby Store the old Gamers Realm 2 location?
  12. IanArgent

    PDA for PDFs?

    I've been able to use my Touch Pro as a PDF reader for both the mags and the available 4E PDFs. It's not hte world's greatest experience, but for quick lookups it's usable
  13. IanArgent

    Character Builder on a flash drive?

    I've been meaning to try out the virtual-machine-on-USB thing for a while. You don't have to do Linux to do it (Vista and the upcoming Windows 7 both have a virtual machine host, so you just have to come up with the OS license for the VM. I have a spare copy of Windows XP lying around since I...
  14. IanArgent

    What level of technology WON'T you go beyond with your tabletop gaming?

    I use a laptop instead of pen/paper/book; but I quite deliberately do not browse or have IM up when I am playing or GMing. Dice and minis are real, thankyouverymuch - not yet ready for the virtual map. Initiaive tracker used to be DMFamiliar; I haven't gotten a good replacement for it yet, so...
  15. IanArgent

    Experts on other systems, why aren't they d&d?

    Since we dragged one naval analogy in, why not another? Naval vessels have class and type: The USS John F Kennedy (CV-67) is an instructive example. The keel was laid with the intent for her to be nuclear-powered; but she was completed as a conventional-powered vessel. Some sources list her as...
  16. IanArgent

    Ranger At-Wills, no choice?

    That would appear to do the trick, no?
  17. IanArgent

    PDA for PDFs?

    I have an HTC Touch Pro that can take the WotC PDF files and render them semi-acceptably. The new generation of VGA+ resolution PDA phones are also making the compdendium accessible as well. I prefer to use my tablet PC, but I can't put that in my pocket
  18. IanArgent

    Failed saving throws

    It's also in the errata as of the end of March, if you don't want to get PHB2
  19. IanArgent

    RPGA Membership?

    OK - I have a RPGA number. What do I have to do to get access to the adventures for use in my home game?