Search results

  1. nakia

    Favorite Christmas Music?

    I just put the lights on the tree and am listening to my favorite Christmas CD -- the "Charlie Brown Christmas" soundtrack. Jazz versions of "O Christmas Tree," "Christmas Time is Here," and, of course, "Linus and Lucy" make this my favorite Christmas music album. What's yours? And, if anyone...
  2. nakia

    Gaming with students

    I'm a new professor at a smaller university and have had a difficult time finding a gaming group since I've moved. I've recently discovered some of my students game and there is the possibility of gaming with these and other students at my university. I'm just wondering about any potential...
  3. nakia

    I will now go into a sugar coma.

    I just ate a BoBerry biscuit from Bojangles, "sopping" up the extra icing that had dripped into the bottom of the container. While drinking a Pepsi. Bloodsugar. . . spiking. . .can't . . . control. . .actions. . .aghhhh!
  4. nakia

    What happens when you roll. . . a zero?

    I am a player in Wulf's excellent Slavelords of Cydonia PbP.. For a spot check in a snake filled temple, my character (Teddy) got a zero. That's right, a natural one minus his wisdom penalty equals zero. What, exactly, does Teddy see? I know 3rd edition officially does away with the one as a...
  5. nakia

    Looking to form a group in Charlotte/Rock Hill

    I'm looking to put together or join an already existing gaming group in the Charlotte, NC/Rock Hill, SC area. I'm willing, (well, prefer, actually) to run games. I'm fine with D&D, d20 Modern, and/or Grim Tales and am willing to learn others. To me, the most important thing is a group that...
  6. nakia

    I met Neil Gaiman! (sorta)

    I got to go to a Neil Gaiman discussion and signing last night at Joseph-Beth booksellers in Charlotte. Neil did a reading from Anansi Boys, answered some questions, and signed books. I got my copy of Anansi Boys signed. He was funny and personable and a good reader. He talked about...
  7. nakia

    What's wrong with me?

    For the past two days, I have felt like I have a cold -- generally worn out, listless, tired. Except that I have none of the other cold symptoms. I'm not stuffy or anything. I just want to sleep, even though I got 9+ hours of sleep last night and 8 the night before. Today is not a good day...
  8. nakia

    Recylcing (settings, plots, adventures)?

    I'm about to relocate, so I'll have to find another gaming group. I want to get back into DMing. I was thinking about updating/revising many elements from a homebrew campaign I ran a couple of years ago. It was fairly successful, so I was thinking I could revise some of the elements that...
  9. nakia

    Could Ep III beat Titanic?

    Given the consistently good reviews of RotS, does it have a chance of knocking Titanic off of the top grossing film spot? Will enough people go see it enough times? It's hurt by being the third film in a trilogy, I know, so I kinda doubt it could pull it off. But here's hoping. For...
  10. nakia

    Drunkenness Table

    A recent game session featured "Drinking Day" -- a festival where the local brewers and vinters set up shop in the town square to offer their new brews. My character (Jacob), a fairly insecure 16 year old wizard prodigy, got pretty drunk. To determine his state at any given momement of...
  11. nakia

    Chomsky and Zinn commentary track on RotK

    This is pretty funny:
  12. nakia

    I got a job!

    On Friday, I was offered an assistant professor position (tenure track) at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina. I took it! What this means (in no certain order): 1. Ten years of post-secondary education have finally paid off. 2. I'll be close to my family. 3. My wife and I will...
  13. nakia

    On-line Courses

    In the spring, I will be teaching an on-line course for UVA. We will meet as a class three times, but other than that everything will be handled electronically. The class is Social Foundations of Education (so it's history, philosophy, and sociology stuff). I've taught the class before, but...
  14. nakia

    Have (wizard) concept, need crunch!

    Jacob "Jake" Farris gets 7 first level spells to begin play with. He got most of them at wizard school. He has spell focus - enchantment as a feat. Here are some spells he may take: sleep magic missle mage armor identify charm person shield comprehend languages I need feedback on his spell...
  15. nakia

    Dissertation -- Done ?!!

    Today, I turned in my dissertation. In a little over two weeks, I'll have to sit in front of four professors and explain myself. It checked in at 120 pages and took me the better part of a year to write it. I feel slightly relieved, but knowing I still have to defend it then make corrections...