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  1. G

    Why doesn't the 5' step provoke AoO?

    The changes proposed here are actually quite simple. One of them actually REMOVES words from the rules (5' step provoking AoO as normal), while the other is dead simple (5' step of opportunity). I don't see how those two things are going to take several minutes to figure out... :uhoh: So if...
  2. G

    Why doesn't the 5' step provoke AoO?

    This is a faulty argument, IMO. EVERYTHING is an abstraction, unless you are participating in actual combat to the death (even physical combat with practice swords must have abstraction to a degree). There is no possible way to make a "role-playing realistic combat simulation", or for that...
  3. G

    Advice on balancing an encounter

    I fail to see how that isn't railroading. Instead of having the players participate in the background events, I have just narrated it to them. The end result is the same, except now the players will have less of a connection to the story, since they are only being read the background, instead of...
  4. G

    Advice on balancing an encounter

    It is more railroading than I'd prefer, but it is a required plot hook. Without it, the following adventure can not occur. If possible I'd like the encounter to feel 'fair' (i.e. the players might have been able to stop it), but it absolutely has to end with the above conditions met. "The...
  5. G

    Advice on balancing an encounter

    Lol... I know, that's why I'm trying to make this as 'foolproof' as possible. :) *If the duke is killed outright in the surprise round, then there is nothing the PC's can do about it (unless they get suspicious before then... :uhoh: ) *If the wizard has some sort of teleportation spell...
  6. G

    Advice on balancing an encounter

    Wow, you aren't very trusting, are you. ;) That cannot happen. The encounter must be set up so that the duke dies. The whole point is that the PC's get framed for his murder, and must attempt to prove their innocence. My thoughts were to have the wizard blast him with an empowered spell of...
  7. G

    Advice on balancing an encounter

    Thanks for the great feedback. Let me clarify a bit. The PC's don't really know the duke, his bodyguard, or anyone else. They are just hired help--the duke is essentially pulling a publicity stunt, so by hiring outside help, he hopes that word of his exploits will travel across the land. This...
  8. G

    Advice on balancing an encounter

    MY PLAYERS STAY OUT!!! I'm looking for advise on the difficulty of an encounter I'm working on. It's a little complicated, and I'm looking for some help ironing out the specifics. Here is the general situation: The adventurers have been hired to accompany a duke on a small dungeon dive. The...
  9. G

    The Problem With Spot and Listen

    Didn't read all the replies here, so forgive me if this has been mentioned: Currently, Spot and Listen are skills, not attributes. If they represent how well your character can hear or see things, then why can you improve them with level? Why is there a maximum number of ranks you can invest in...
  10. G

    Experience Levels by Age variant

    Okay, this makes more sense. Although, in actual play, the DM would have to be careful to make sure his PC's don't advance levels much faster than this timetable. A simple method to do this might be to cut the XP given out by a fixed number (1/2, 1/4, etc). If the PCs still manage to make 20th...
  11. G

    Why doesn't the 5' step provoke AoO?

    Now I'm totally confused. Who said anything about removing it? All I was talking about was making it provoke an AoO, like any other movement. You say that you have no problem with "allowing a way to counter" it. Okay, my idea to "counter it" is to make it provoke AoO. Players can still take it...
  12. G

    Intimidate skill - How to fix it

    Prepare for a LONG post! Okay, I really got to thinking, and now I've totally overhauled this skill. Hopefully you'll like it :o. My thought process and layout has been heavily influenced by Rich Burlew's Diplomacy Rules, but the actual mechanics are quite different. I'm still not entirely sure...
  13. G

    proposed idea for stat generation. Is this too big a can of worms?

    I agree that this is a terrible idea. A point-buy method is the only way to ensure that all players feel fairly treated. I personally don't like rolling for stats or HP either, since the one roll sticks with the player for the whole game (unlike any other roll). Currently you are telling them...
  14. G

    Experience Levels by Age variant

    Yeesh... basically all you are doing is greatly increasing the power of humans and other such races. So by the same token, you are making monsters relatively less powerful. If the average middle aged commoner is 13th or 14th level, then a mob of them could easily take down all sorts of powerful...
  15. G

    Intimidate skill - How to fix it

    Exactly, it would be very difficult to chart all the possible types of bonuses... which is why I think overall power (i.e. Level/HD) is the best thing to use. I actually tend to agree that some change should be made. It should be easier for a 20th level wizard to intimidate an orc, without the...
  16. G

    Intimidate skill - How to fix it

    I'd say it depends on what you are using the skill for. If all you use Intimidate for is to bully prisoners, then perhaps strength would make sense. But what about the example of walking down the street in a manner so that nobody approaches you? I suppose muscles might help for that as well, but...
  17. G

    Intimidate skill - How to fix it

    I think you are limiting what Charisma really is. Charisma represents how well you understand other people--their motivations, their feelings, what makes them 'tick', etc. A high charisma character knows how to carry himself so that people will get out of his way in a crowded street. He knows...
  18. G

    Why doesn't the 5' step provoke AoO?

    Hah! You're right. Well, almost... The rule I posted also allows for other forms of movement. For example, you could withdraw away from a huge creature with a reach weapon, without provoking AoO. Actually, on second thought, it doesn't allow that... oh well, I did say right off the bat that you...
  19. G

    Why doesn't the 5' step provoke AoO?

    Yeesh... I had no idea this little rule was such a Sacred Cow. I think they are a brilliant addition, and they help break up the 'turn based' feeling of combat. If I try to run past you, are you just going to sit there, or are you going to swing at me? Without AoO, you have to sit there dumbly...
  20. G

    Why doesn't the 5' step provoke AoO?

    Eh, I hate to be a hypocrite, but this is a great point that I can't leave be: You are completely right about this being a wacky situation, and it did slip my mind. So there is one good argument for 5' step. But with the 5' step, once the fighter has been there for a round, you just get round...