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  1. Festivus

    Multiple Dice Sets Anyone?

    I do a roll test at the start of a session but generally put the extra dice away for the game time. I also pre-roll almost everything for my turn, so if I know I am going to make an attack, I have my attack roll made and added up so I can just announce "Does 25 hit his AC?". Since I already...
  2. Festivus

    Crayola Dry Erase Crayons

    Heh, I even posted in that thread! Oh boy, bad memory :)
  3. Festivus

    Crayola Dry Erase Crayons

    I spotted these at the drug store a few weeks back and picked them up mainly for my kids, who always seem to leave the caps off the markers, so that when I go to use them they are dried out and useless. I decided to give them a try on my gaming surfaces (Flip Mats) to see how they worked out...
  4. Festivus

    Our meetup transformation

    I just wanted to pop in and talk for a moment about transformations. Twelve months ago, our meetup was a very different animal, while still wildly popular in our area, it was almost entirely driven by Living Forgotten Realms, almost to the exclusion of other games. After some complaints came...
  5. Festivus

    WotC has ended support for Living Forgotten Realms (and the RPGA, too)

    Cards are not required to play LFR, but as a judge you must allow them to be used if presented for play. I never said they were required to play, only that they be accepted.
  6. Festivus

    WotC has ended support for Living Forgotten Realms (and the RPGA, too)

    WoTC still requires things of the campaign, fortune cards must be accepted for example. RPGA isn't going away, it and DCI are being folded into Wizards Play Network. Encounters still asks for RPGA/DCI/WPN numbers, as does LFR... for public play only. Home play no longer needs to be reported...
  7. Festivus

    Quick Gelatinous Cube question

    The Gel cube is used to great effect in a Paizo adventure (I think it's the Game Mastery D1 Crown of the Kobold King adventure). Spoiler... The PC's hear of a song of a dwarven adventurer ghost that carries a shining axe. Later in the adventure, as they are travelling down the hall, they see...
  8. Festivus

    HS1 - The Slaying Stone - my poor reviewing skills review

    It probably would, depending on the level of the monster. I think things like this are fun in stories. I'd say try it and if it seems too unbalancing, have the monster have some problem that causes it to be less effective. What you don't want is the companion to outshine the party.
  9. Festivus

    HS1 - The Slaying Stone - my poor reviewing skills review

    Well... I gave them a skill challenge to figure out how to control the Iron Defender and put it into various modes (defend me, guard area, detection mode). They had limited control over the beast and repair was tricky to do as well. Minor action burned to instruct it with a control box if I...
  10. Festivus

    Why did you stop subscribing to DDI?

    I really liked the compiled issues, because I could save them to my laptop and read them on my van ride. But since the quality went downhill, it really doesn't bother me that they don't have compiled issues, because I am no longer a subscriber partly, and because I hadn't bothered the last few...
  11. Festivus

    Walking away from a game...

    Happened last week. One player said something (apparently an insult, I didn't hear it so I have no idea), and the other player called him out on it. I asked them to take the argument away from the table, but the person refused. When I tried to explain that we were here to play a game, I was...
  12. Festivus

    D&D 4E [4E Players, mainly] Ever thought of defecting to Pathfinder?

    All of the following is my opinion. I play both 4E and Pathfinder, I only DM 4E now, but I DMed a campaign from 1-20 in 3.5. If you disliked 3.5, Pathfinder is more of it. Yes, some rules are streamlined but the minutia is all still there as well as the DM workload for prep time. Honestly...
  13. Festivus

    Why did you stop subscribing to DDI?

    So, if you were, but no longer are a subscriber to DDI... I was up until two weeks ago, but only because I had a discount subscription until then (early adopter, bought 2 years when I could for a steep discount). At present, I do not feel it's value is worth the price. What was the turning...
  14. Festivus

    What kind of print products would want WotC to produce?

    Map packs with a pair of poster maps and interesting locations. Something akin to Fantastic Locations would be great. Heck, no statblocks, editionless is fine. D&D Encounters for home play - Sell a kit of it Trap builders kit - Tell me an easy way to craft traps.
  15. Festivus

    Ampersand: 2011 releases officially gutted

    No, the Nentir Vale Gazetteer or something like that. At first I wasn't interested but now I am thinking about a home campaign set there.
  16. Festivus

    Ampersand: 2011 releases officially gutted

    I missed it perhaps, but what happened to the Nentir Vale book? That was one I was actually looking forward to. I am sad that minis are cancelled. Not sad for me but for others who don't already own several thousand. Minis made a nice prize I could buy to give out at events. I really like...
  17. Festivus

    Brand Fatigue

    1. My kids can't relate to the old cartoon, they will watch it but it's not as cool as "Rescue Heroes" 2. Is McFarlane still making toys? I haven't seen any new cool dragons, but I haven't been looking hard for them. 3. The new comic is good, but it pisses me off that you have to find a comic...
  18. Festivus

    Another delayed WotC item

    I think that right now there is a glut of D&D book products out. I am hard pressed to think of anything other than a poster map pack adventure (I miss you Fantastic Locations), or a new monster book that would get me interested in purchasing something. My hope (ok, I don't hope for layoffs...
  19. Festivus

    Living Forgotten Realms Adventures

    I agree there are some dogs in LFR, but there are also some very good adventures. I am prepping to run IMPI 2-4 "Goblins Strike Back", which feeds upon actions taken in several prior adventures (IMPI 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-6, 2-2 and 2-3 to be exact). All of the players actions in those prior...
  20. Festivus

    Character Builder WTFs per minute

    Yep, glad it's not broken, because that's where I stopped too.