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  1. FunkBGR

    Sell Your Sole

    Sell Your Sole Competition I didn't see a post about it, but Wizards has yet ANOTHER competition going on. Yowza, this one seems a little bit off the wall, but hey - competitions are good. Anybody trying for it?
  2. FunkBGR

    Making some miniatures

    I'm trying to think of a good way to make an Avolakia miniature (3.5e MM2). Here's a pic. I was going to start with another D&D miniature and build it off of that, since I've done that before. I was thinking of using the Immolith, chopping off part of its head to make three "fangs" and carving...
  3. FunkBGR

    Rod of Seven Parts

    Hey - I'm working on a conversion to 4th Edition, and trying to come up with some of the ways for this baby to work. Has anybody done any conversions of it yet though?
  4. FunkBGR

    Out of Healing Surges - what now?

    I started my 4th Edition game on Friday, and as we came to a close, one of the players announced he was out of healing surges, and that they should rest for the day. Problem is, they're not in a situation where resting is really possible. They're stuck in a extremely hostile environment (edit...
  5. FunkBGR

    What's there to do?

    Hey - I can't sit at a Con forever and a half. What kind of awesome things to do are there in Indy? I'm driving, so waypoints on the way from I-80 on are fine too.
  6. FunkBGR

    WFRP in Coralville, IA

    Hey A group of us get together to play WFRP every Thursday from 6 pm to 10 pm. We're looking for some new blood in the area. Right now, we're playing through the Ashes of Middenheim book, and plan on going through the rest of them. With the upcoming holiday, we'll be taking a bit of a break...
  7. FunkBGR

    Fantasy Flight Games Sale

    Didn't see a post about this, so here goes: They've done this before. I picked up the Horizon books I didn't have, and pretty much all of the Blue Planet books last time. I'm thinking of dropping on the Midnight stuff this time around.
  8. FunkBGR

    Gate + Time Stop

    Hey - I've got this dead horse, want to beat it? We were playing last Wednesday, and my players were talking about wanting to use Time Stop to gate in a bunch of Solars, and I mentioned it doesn't work. Then, I realized that I couldn't remember exactly why it doesn't work. Anyway, one of my...
  9. FunkBGR

    Another Prot Evil question

    Hey all - Quick question: Protection from Evil says it protects against Enchantment (Charm) and Enchantment (Compulsion) Intelligent magic items have an ego score, and if the user tries to go against the items' wishes, they try to dominate the user. It doesn't describe this as a Dominate...
  10. FunkBGR

    Spell Research: To DMG or Not to DMG

    Looking up the spell research rules in the DMG, I'm kind of finding them lacking. Spend a lot of gold, and make a trivial Spellcraft check - unless your DM just doesn't like it, which you fail automatically? Spells should be a collaborative effort between player and DM - the clause about failing...
  11. FunkBGR

    Tracking Bonuses

    I"m sure it's come up before - but, does anyone have a sheet or something they use at the table to keep track of bonus types, where they come from, and what they affect? Another useful thing would be perhaps a diagram that you can label with what items are on where - I'm sure someone's made...
  12. FunkBGR

    Large and in charge - or Kingdom Management

    Hey - I'm starting a game where management of a kingdom or various fantasy countries/towns/whathaveyou might be very beneficial. Anybody know of any books / rules sets out there that'd be good for this? What's your experience with it? I'm looking for both large-scale and small-scale. Thanks!
  13. FunkBGR

    New Campaign Idea: War!

    Alright - so, maybe it's all the movies about war that have come out recently, or maybe it's just something else - but has anybody else played in a campaign or ran a campaign where the PC's were individual 'commanders' of a squad or platoon, and basically led an assault against various things...
  14. FunkBGR

    Multiple DM's

    I've heard of people using multiple DM's for games - exactly what purpose does this serve? How do they go about this? Does one DM just stay on standby in case the PC's split up or something? I'm going to be starting up a game with close to 7 or 8 people (or possibly more), and I'm curious if...