• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    FLGS in Bloomington-Peoria IL area

    Beyond Eternity is a good place for old/OOP stuff...
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    A real challenge: Which 5 RPG books?

    1. warhammer fantasy roleplay 2. talislanta 4th edition 3. rules cyclopedia 4. mutants & masterminds 5. crooks!
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    A rules light version of the SRD

    info here's some info on it... http://www.trolllord.com/candc.htm
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    Jack Vance books?

    wow Thanks for all of the help, I appreciate it!
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    Jack Vance books?

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend any of the Jack Vance fantasy novels...I've been curious to read about 'Vancian' magic for quite a while now =)
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    The Best and Worst of 2E adventures

    For best I'd have to put my vote in for "Dead Gods" by Monte Cook...
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    D&D Basic question

    <g> I had forgotten that they originally used hobbits. Thanks for all the help! Anyone remember the old "Dungeon" board game? For some reason I've had a hankering to get my hands on a copy of that lately...
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    D&D Basic question

    Great! Thanks for the help :)
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    D&D Basic question

    Was that in the old red box set? The elves being fighter/mages that is...
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    D&D Basic question

    Could anyone tell me which box set had the elf as both a race and a class? IIRC all elves were essentially fighter/mages or something. I played it a looooong time ago and now I can't for the life of me remember which set it was. The mind's the first thing to go I guess :D
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    Thanks a lot for the info guys! I really appreciate it =)
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    I looked through that thing this morning and couldn't find 'em. Must going blind in my old age or something. Thanks for the info, I'll try again tonite =)
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    Was just wondering if anyone had converted or knew where I could find of a conversion of abishai...any color will do =)
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    [Decipher] LotR RPG?

    Great! Thanks for the info :)
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    [Decipher] LotR RPG?

    Was just wondering if anyone had heard anything about the release date for this? Their website has a release schedule...but that hasn't been updated or anything since March or so... Thanks!
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    [SW d20] Where to find the Dug?

    Here ya go... http://www.wizards.com/starwars/article.asp?x=sw20020523aaliens&c=rpg
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    1st Edition Illusionist Spell LIst

    Chromatic orb is a good one too...
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    [Hackmaster] Quest for the Unknown?

    I was just wondering if anyone had read/played through this module yet...was looking for some opinions on it =)
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    Is the spiked chain worth it?

    <ponder> Two-handed weapons deal 1.5x str damage? Sorry, no books in front of me <grin>