• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. D

    Saturday AM: Misspent Youth - FULL, Accepting Alts

    Thanks for letting me know, Psion. Nmarshall23, you're in!
  2. D

    Saturday PM: Justice? (D&D 4E Dark Sun) - FULL, Accepting Alts

    Just a quick update for those watching the thread - I've edited the first post with pre-gens, if anyone wants to reserve one.
  3. D

    Saturday AM: Misspent Youth - FULL, Accepting Alts

    Psion, the game would not necessarily be inappropriate for a 14 year old. Actually, setting the game's "rating" is an explicit part of the collaborative setting-building process. With a 14 yo in the group, we could certainly agree to keep things at a PG-13 level. Frankly, most of the times...
  4. D

    Saturday PM: Justice? (D&D 4E Dark Sun) - FULL, Accepting Alts

    King Kalak of Tyr's death was followed by chaos and fire in the city - opportunity for adventurers like yourselves. In a few days, walls that had stood a thousand years or more were torn down, and once proud nobles were forced to beg for their lives in the streets. Things have quieted now...
  5. D

    Saturday AM: Misspent Youth - FULL, Accepting Alts

    Remember back when you believed that you and your friends could change the world? Remember back when you first discovered that music that no one at your school understood and made your parents cringe? Remember when nothing was more important than that conversation you had under the stars, with...
  6. D

    Whatcha gonna run? Whatcha wanna play?

    I am indeed planning to come and run the stuff that Tom mentioned. One game will be a Dark Sun D&D 4E game, part of the Heroes' Guild's soon-to-launched West Marches-style DS game (if you're interested in more on that, see The Waste or you can just play it as a regular one-shot and no one will...
  7. D

    CANCELED DUE TO PLAGUE: [D&D4E] Escape from the Slavers of Kull!

    Now with teaser-filled character blurbs to entice you.
  8. D

    CANCELED DUE TO PLAGUE: [D&D4E] Escape from the Slavers of Kull!

    Yes - the PCs will be 12th or 13th level.
  9. D

    CANCELED DUE TO PLAGUE: [D&D4E] Escape from the Slavers of Kull!

    D&D 4E: Escape from the Slavers of Kull! CANCELED [Sorry all, Asmodeus has arranged with his ally Jubilex to turn my home into a squamous mass of flu-virus ridden mucous. My Amulet of Health has spared me, but my wife and daughter have been laid low, and I'm spending all my Standard actions...
  10. D

    CANCELED - Misspent Youth: F*CK THE FUTURE

    CANCELED - MISSPENT YOUTH - F*CK THE FUTURE [Sorry all - due to a combination of undersubscription to my games and my wife and daughter both being sick with the flu, I'll be staying home to take care of them instead of running anything at GameDay.] Misspent Youth is the game of creating a...
  11. D

    In a Wicked Age - CANCELED

    Sorry folks, I've got to cancel this - turns out there's only *one* time I can take a child care skills class before my daughter's birth, and it's the morning of the 15th. Many apologies.
  12. D

    In a Wicked Age - CANCELED

    I don't personally have a problem with it, with one caveat: the storylines that IAWA encourages tend to be heavy on the sex and violence, so I'm not sure how *you* feel about it.
  13. D

    In a Wicked Age - CANCELED

    I've never played G-d of War, but yeah, 300 isn't too far from the mark. You can look at the Oracles online to get a sense of what game elements get brought in, if you like: http://www.lumpley.com/oracle/4oracles.php (They'll reset at random when you reload the page)
  14. D

    Truth & Justice: The Greatest City in America

    The villainous duo of The Boozinator and Vanilla O.G. have been trying to thwart a developer's plan to turn West Baltimore's liquor stores into clean, upstanding chain restaurants. But when our local heroes try to stop them, will they discover an even more sinister plot? [Truth & Justice uses...
  15. D

    In a Wicked Age - CANCELED

    Well, hopefully not in the sense that I'll show up to run it, but then no one will play - except that I won't be playing fantasy. :) It's not very much like Shock: at all, actually. The situation creation is basically: elements are drawn at random from an "Oracle" with various fantasy bits on...
  16. D

    In a Wicked Age - CANCELED

    [EDIT: CANCELED Sorry, but a propos of the discussion of kids below... it turns out that the morning of the 15th is the ONLY time my wife and I can take our child care skills class before, you know, the baby actually arrives.] In this wicked age, when the old deities walk the earth sullen...
  17. D

    Shock: Social Science Fiction

    Shock: Social Science Fiction is a game about the way that confronts the concerns of today through the funhouse mirror of the technology of tomorrow. I can't tell you much about the specific setting, since that is determined through play. Players create a matrix of "Issues" (items of concern...
  18. D

    (Spirit Of the Century) "So Let it be Written, so Shall it be Done!"

    I'd like in. I'm about 90% sure I can make it down. - Daniel