• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    Marking by Monsters

    Hi all, How does marking by monsters work? I can't find it in the Monster Manual. When a monster marks a PC, does the PC simply have a -2 to attack other targets? Or is a monster's mark the same as a fighter's mark (i.e. the monster can attack if the marked PC shifts or attacks a different...
  2. M

    How to gain Combat Advantage

    Look at the "First Strike" ability of the KotS rogue: "at the start of an encounter, [the rogue has] combat advantage against any creature that has not yet acted in the encounter." With an initiative of +4, there should be a few circumstances in which the rogue can get combat advantage at the...
  3. M

    Skills in Combat

    I don't think skill challenges, or even complex skill challenges, are strictly out-of-combat. Look at the extra skill challenge for KotS. Each skill requires a different type of action. For example, Arcana can be used once per turn as a free action, while Heal can be used as a minor action. The...
  4. M

    Skills in Combat

    Hi all, When a PC uses a skill in combat to, for example, disable a trap, what kind of action is it? A minor action? Free? Standard? Thanks!
  5. M

    The "H" Series

    Oh, ok. Thanks!
  6. M

    The "H" Series

    I was looking through my preorders on Amazon today and noticed something strange. H1 - Keep on the Shadowfell and H3 - Pyramid of Shadows are both hardcover books. H2 - Thunderspire Labyrinth is a paperback, softcover book. What gives? It would be nice to have all three be hardcover and it...
  7. M

    Excerpt: powers (merged)

    Does it bother anyone else how much space those power cards take up? My group has a DM plus 5 players, and we simply don't have the table space for everyone to spread out their cards like that. There is surely a business opportunity out there for someone who can come up with a solution needing...
  8. M

    Character and Monster Tokens

    You might want to check out the token packs at Fiery Dragon Productions. They have a bunch of different token packs, which cost a bit of money. Here's a link: http://shop.fierydragon.com/category.sc?categoryId=5
  9. M

    3rd Party Classes - Wish List

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought the new GSL didn't permit third-party publishers to create new classes. If you look at that thread compilation, it says: "Mandatory Restrictions: No Covered Product may contain rules or instructions of any kind that: • Describe a process for Creating a...
  10. M

    tracking conditions - your approach?

    Does Alea Tools' system work for miniatures that are not Medium size? For example, could I use their product with small (Kobolds, Halflings, etc), large, and huge miniatures? I think the Playdoh idea sounds pretty good. Maybe a bit messy?
  11. M

    GSL news.

    Maybe I haven't been following closely enough, but how is this a change from previously? Hadn't WoTC said that after a few months the 5k fee would be dropped anyways?