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  1. Z

    Stereotypical campaign help

    So my group wants to play a stereotypical campaign. Two of the players are new (we figured this could be a good way to introduce D&D to them) and two of the players have been gaming for a while. Anyway, I'm finding myself having trouble deciding on specific stereotypical elements to add to...
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    Help out a fellow geek?

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this or not. I'm currently in Anaheim, California for the week and I'm curious if anyone knows of any card/tabletop shops in the area. Google is failing me... Thanks for any help!
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    Campaign help.

    Hey all, I've recently started a little campaign with three people. Two of them have been gaming for a while, but the third is brand new to both D&D and table-top gaming in general. So far I have an.... alright idea for the campaign progression, but I've gotten stuck. I'm trying to use adventure...
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    Wildshaping Druid possible variant question

    Hey Enworld! I'm playing a gestalted Changeling Druid 5/Master of Many Forms 2//Ranger 4/Warshaper 3/Nature's Warrior 0, and my DM and I were wondering if trading out all spellcasting for gaining the Supernatural abilities of creatures I turn into is a fair trade or not? Thanks for all the help!
  5. Z

    D&D 3E/3.5 WotBS (3.5) character help. One hell of a badass cat.

    I will be in an upcoming War of the Burning Sky campaign, and my DM has allowed me to try out a race that I have just fallen in love with from the Dragon Compendium. The Tibbit. I need your expert help figuring out how to make a build for a specific character feel. Relevant info: 40 point-buy...
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    Help with boss character build?

    Currently going to be starting a campaign with some friends, it's the round robin with fallenibilis, and I'm currently making the big plot driving baddy. He has a homebrew lich template, and due to story, he should be an arcane and divine caster. Also he's gestalted. At some point I came across...
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    Warshaper question

    The Warshaper ability "Morphic Body" states that "a warshaper can use its precise control over its form to make itself stronger and heartier. It gains a +4 to Strength and a +4 to Constitution." My DM and I have come to a little disagreement over when this ability would function on my character...
  8. Z

    Fair trade for a Druid?

    Me and the DM of my current game have a question for all you great enworlders. I'm currently playing a character entirely based on wildshaping and it occurred to me that my spellcasting is practically useless. So, in your opinions, do you think trading out all spellcasting for being able to use...
  9. Z

    Bump it a tier??

    I'm having a bit of an argument with a friend of mine and neither of us can seem to convince the other of our view. So I bring it to you all, please give me your honest opinion. Do you think that allowing the Healer class to wear light, and ONLY light, metal armor would bump it up an entire...
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    Help with a PRC for an Epic Campaign?

    Hello everyone. I have a little bit of a problem. I'm going to be participating in a campaign soon that will be starting out at 20th level and then going up from there to an unknown ending point. This is a time skip of sorts from an earlier campaign I was in (if you remember my old topic, it...
  11. Z

    Where are you Evenine????? And why did you eat Eight!?

    Please note that as this thread is called "Gamers seeking Gamers" and I am a gamer seeking another Gamer, this is the rightful place for this post. Please do not punish me in any way (that I don't approve of....) Another note: I went by the name "Kuro" I am looking for a Gamer who recently...
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    DM's word is final... and illogical?

    So I have a character in a friend's campaign. He had some sort of magical amnesia, which made him forget who his parents were. Later on, it was revealed to my character that his dad was a Half-dragon (Black) and his mom was a Half-dragon (Bronze)... Now, I know that D&D isn't based on logic...
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    I have a character that is a Half-dragon Tiefling, would the fact that he is a Half-dragon have any affect on his starting age or age categories? Or would his starting age just be as it says in the Planar Handbook for Tiefling (same as human) and progress similar to the Halfling (it says eldest...
  14. Z

    Player looking for almost any kind of group

    Heeeey people. I am currently in a campaign that is played very rarely with some of my friends (we're lucky if we play once a month) and as such, I am looking to join another campaign (most likely online). I have access to virtually all books of 3.5, pathfinder, D20 Modern, and a few others...