• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. D

    Pathfinder 1E Double weapon and the Returning weapon property

    I would rule that a double weapon can't have just one side have the Returning property. It would have to have both sides enchanted (and thus having that enchantment cost double). It might not be the best solution, but it's the first one that comes to mind.
  2. D

    D&D 5E Are you going to buy the 5e Core Books?

    I'll probably buy at least the Player's Handbook. I'm liking the looks of the latest playtest packet, and I'm starting up a PbP game this week, so I'll have a more concrete answer once I've actually played it a bit.
  3. D

    Can't Upload Avatar

    I've tried uploading three different avatars and haven't had any success. I keep getting a message about the site being unable to save the image. Is this a board setting for users with low post counts, or is this an actual problem?
  4. D

    Favorite D&D Deity?

    The Raven Queen. A non-evil goddess of death who has an eternal loathing of the undead? Ridiculously awesome. One of my favorite characters (that I didn't really get to play) was a warforged paladin of the Raven Queen - a near-immortal crusader sending the foes of his goddess to face their...
  5. D

    Psionics- Love 'em, hate 'em, don't care about 'em?

    I generally like psionics. They fit really well in certain settings, especially Dark Sun and Eberron, but I can see how they're not so prominent or fitting in settings like the Forgotten Realms. I like the aesthetic of psionics more than their execution, for the most part, though I'm not really...
  6. D

    Serious question - are you going to invest in D&DNext?

    I may purchase it at some point. I'll probably wait until there are fairly comprehensive reviews on the game, though. Chances are, I won't be buying it on Day One.
  7. D

    Adventure taking place on a large airship?

    You might also want to look into some Spelljammer stuff.
  8. D

    Pathfinder 1E Wreckta Lich

    Try saying "wrecta lich" out loud. Then perhaps reevaluate pushing your DM so hard to get to lichdom.
  9. D

    Favorite D&D Class?

    Warlock, Sorcerer, or Fighter for me.
  10. D

    Favorite D&D Retroclone?

    Either Swords & Wizardry (White Box or Core, doesn't matter) or Dark Dungeons for me.
  11. D

    D&D 5E Post-Final Packet Revisions

    If there is any more playtesting, I don't think we'll hear about it, going by WotC saying this is the last public playtesting packet. There'll almost certainly be more playtesting done internally by WotC, but I don't think anyone else is going to be getting more playtest stuff (outside of the...
  12. D

    How much is a Artifact.

    You can't buy artifacts. The whole point of artifacts is generally that they're unique and priceless: acquiring and/or destroying an artifact should be a significant event in a game, not something that happens at character creation, even if the characters are level 20.
  13. D

    D&D 5E L&L The Next Phase

    I realize that, but 4E did grid combat very well. Adding in some forced movement options and some options for control effects on spells might make it a little more 4E-like than Next is now.
  14. D

    D&D 5E L&L The Next Phase

    Sounds interesting if they can pull it off. The tactical combat module could be pretty good if they pull from 4E. I'm a little disappointed that none of the tactical combat stuff made it into the playtest, but I'm still looking forward to it.
  15. D

    D&D 5E Monster Builder's Guide

    A. No, I wouldn't be upset. B. I'd probably buy it at some point, but I'd prefer it to be in the Monster Manual or Dungeon Master's Guide. I probably wouldn't buy a full book (as in, same size and price as the core books) if the main draw was "make your own monsters," though.
  16. D

    D&D 5E Kender are a core race?

    As long as you don't have players who insist on playing like psychotic kleptomaniacs, kender aren't all that bad. Think of them as alternate halflings who have a penchant for collecting things; they don't have to be the typical "but it just fell in my pouch!" kender from the novels.
  17. D

    D&D 5E Ability Score Requeriments for Multiclassing, yay or nay?

    I say keep the restrictions. Multiclass characters should be the exception, not the rule, and that means having exceptional ability scores. It's more like old-school D&D - not everyone gets to be a fighter-mage, for example. WotC seems to want an old-school feel to D&D Next. I imagine that's why...