• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Gamgee

    Do you fall into this trap?

    I improvise almost everything so my games are truly open world if players are creative enough. Usually though they do "typical" things that aren't all that crazy. It's like they learned to railroad themselves at this point.
  2. Gamgee

    Videogames are boring once you embrace RPG?

    I love playing games when a good one is released but that is getting truly rare in this day of microtransaction ridden madness. So yes I do play a lot and I regularly play Overwatch most nights of the week and I've beaten Witcher 3 twice and lots of good rpg games. I host a game of Star Wars...
  3. Gamgee

    A New Kickstarter From Monte Cook Games!

    Pictures away.
  4. Gamgee

    A New Kickstarter From Monte Cook Games!

    I backed at 175 level. It saves me a considerable sum of cash since the CAD isn't doing well right now.
  5. Gamgee

    A New Kickstarter From Monte Cook Games!

    Awesome. I just got my Reliquary box from their previous Numenera KS a few days ago. It's in excellent condition barring one small scratch/tear. Debating on if I should give them a picture and ask for a replacement box. I'm backing this one for sure. I've found the stretch goals kind of tame...
  6. Gamgee

    D&D 3E/3.5 5E's Initial Raw Sales Numbers Stronger Than 3E's!

    So far 5th seems to be very well received here and we don't even have the full book. I think this is a success. Like it or not. A return to form for D&D. So good in fact I'm excited. Can't say I've felt that about anything 3.5/4th/Pathfinder related ever.
  7. Gamgee

    D&D 3E/3.5 5E's Initial Raw Sales Numbers Stronger Than 3E's!

    Can confirm still selling like crazy here. I was sensible enough to reserve a copy of their next shipment and got my hands on one. It's selling out super fast. If I hadn't reserved I wouldn't have had one right now.
  8. Gamgee

    D&D 5E PHB is #3 right now on "Amazon's Hot New Releases"

    So far 5th seems to be very well received here and we don't even have the full book. I think this is a success. Like it or not. A return to form for D&D. So good in fact I'm excited. Can't say I've felt that about anything 3.5/4th/Pathfinder related ever.
  9. Gamgee

    D&D 5E PHB is #3 right now on "Amazon's Hot New Releases"

    Can confirm still selling like crazy here. I was sensible enough to reserve a copy of their next shipment and got my hands on one. It's selling out super fast. If I hadn't reserved I wouldn't have had one right now.
  10. Gamgee

    Seeking Numenera/The Strange campaign ideas

    Hmmm is this primarily a Numenera or The Strange game? As a GM of Numenera I don't find any of those plots would necessarily hook me as a player unless there was something far more mysterious and unique to them. I know your throwing basic ideas at a paper hoping some stick but I suggest keep...
  11. Gamgee

    D&D 5E When I cracked open D&D Next, I never expected that...

    I also got a feeling the monk was influenced by the Diablo 3 monk just a little. I don't know why. I liked how Blizzard designed the monk even if I don't enjoy playing it. I just got a feeling they really went all out on making monks "cool" and succeeded on every level.
  12. Gamgee

    D&D 5E When I cracked open D&D Next, I never expected that...

    I was surprised to see how much the monk changed for the better. Much derided and laughed at my table, now respected and even thought of as pretty darn interesting. I also enjoy how feats work now.
  13. Gamgee

    D&D 5E I think we can safely say that 5E is a success, but will it lead to a new Golden Era?

    Without starting a new topic where can I find the official characters sheets to print? The google reveals nothing.
  14. Gamgee

    D&D 5E I think we can safely say that 5E is a success, but will it lead to a new Golden Era?

    I got one phrase for you. Just one. "Howard the Duck".
  15. Gamgee

    D&D 5E Unexpected TPKs

    A TPK happened last year. Or it would have been if not everyone burned fate points. They were fighting necrons and awoke the Necron Lord and his forces. A vast horde of hundreds of Necron warriors whittled them away to nothing. All of them spent fate points to "survive" the encounter. So...
  16. Gamgee

    D&D 5E Finally

    I'll have mine by Friday.
  17. Gamgee

    D&D 5E I think we can safely say that 5E is a success, but will it lead to a new Golden Era?

    I don't think people realize this... but.... HERE THERE BE GOLDEN AGES!!! Ahahahaha / Barbosa Well golden age is a wrong word. Renaissance is a much better term. We're in the renaissance now, cheers!
  18. Gamgee

    D&D 5E Which classes will you play first?

    Avatar the Last Airbender obviously. So monk. Yay. Way of the four elements. I got a great idea for a character too. :)
  19. Gamgee

    D&D 5E Are ability score caps adjusted by racial modifiers, or does every race have the same potential?

    Well depending on the genetics. One would think that mixing two species would create a creature in between, but that just isn't so. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liger So it all depends on the genetics of human and orc cross species breeding really. So you have a point, but it's also no...
  20. Gamgee

    D&D 5E Polearm Master feat...where's my spear?

    Naginata (spear type weapon) get's owned here too. Like they really did in single combat. You would be a fool to use them. Wood vs Metal. It's no less silly than bringing a knife to a gunfight and expecting to do any better. Now the difference is en mass the spear had a decided edge in combat...